Meet the Recruiter: Nicholas Morton

Posted July 14 2021 By Nicholas Morton
 What made you want to join HRC Recruitment? It was an opportunity that I felt I could fit into personally and practically. I’ve never worked in an office before, so the chance to develop into a role and career were really enticing. I also felt like they actually cared about me and wanted me to truly want the position before committing to relocating, which only made me want it more. What career path did you follow before getting into recruitment? I’ve been an Opera Singer for the last nine years (training included) and I also started doing voiceover work during the last year as well as a few other side hustles. What was your dream job as a child?  I can’t totally remember if I’m honest, but there was definitely a period (when I was far too young to understand) where I thought I wanted to join the army. What’s been your biggest success so far? Nick Morton Legal Recruiter In recruitment? Getting on the phones and just trying not to trip up on my tongue. Before that? Performing on stage at the Royal Danish Opera…and, also, trying not to trip up on my tongue. When we’re not in the middle of a pandemic, what do you like to do in your free time? Unsurprisingly, I like attending music events. I also like to stay fairly active, I’m a boulderer/climber, and I started playing golf last year. What is most important to you? It might sound really simple and silly, but being happy. Describe yourself in three words. Friendly, loyal, introverted Now ask the last person you messaged to describe you in three words. Kind, Charming, Dedicated Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I lived in Salzburg for a year but have never seen the Sound of Music all the way through.   Favourite film? Shawshank Redemption Favourite singer / artist? Simon Keenlyside Favourite book? For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemingway Nick Morton Legal Recruiter Favourite colour? Green Sun or snow? Oh that’s just mean, I can’t choose. Apple or android? Anything TikTok or Instagram? Instagram Tea or coffee? Coffee
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