Sixty Seconds With ... Stacey Browne

Posted October 24 2018 By hradm
 Stacey Browne 60 SecondsDescribe your job in no more than five words. Rewarding, stressful, exciting, crazy busy! Tell us a fun fact about yourself. In my spare time I like to think I’m a bodybuilder. If you had to compare yourself to an animal, which one would it be and why? Penguin, they’re cute funny wee things. What is the best thing about working at HRC? The people … and the kitchen! What is your biggest achievement as a recruiter? Learning to deal with the daily stresses of the ups and downs of recruitment. Describe yourself in three words … Driven, competitive and friendly. … Now ask the colleague to your left to describe you in three words. Calming, passionate and strong. Can you tell us about your most embarrassing moment? Waking up in hospital after a work night out with old work colleagues … Do you have any phobias? I have a phobia of my head being under water (I can’t swim). Who is your celebrity crush? Jason Mamoa – the big guy from Game of Thrones. Favourite film? Breakfast Club (any 80’s movie really). Stacey Browne 60 SecondsFavourite singer / artist? Prince – I cried when he died. Favourite book?   Anything to do with true crime or the war, just finished the Tattooist of Auschwitz – I highly recommend it! Favourite colour? Red. Sun or snow? Sun. Apple or android? Android but I use an iPhone. Facebook or Instagram? Instagram. Tea or coffee? Coffee. Text or call? Text. Night in or night out? Night in. I hung my party shoes up a looooong time ago!
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