Why Recruitment is just like Love Island

Posted June 17 2018 By Linzi Murphy; Monica Lochrie


It’s the television event of the summer … No, not the World Cup (although, we are running an office sweepstake), but ITV2’s Love Island. For those of you unfamiliar with the show, it’s a chance for the aesthetically pleasing amongst us to find love (and a hefty paycheck) on national TV. There’s tears, tantrums, make ups and break ups. Oh, and plenty of fake tan.

So, how could a reality TV show about finding a partner possibly be anything like recruitment? There’s a lot more to Love Island than Iain Stirling’s hilarious voiceovers and an endless parade of bikinis.

Here are just five things that the hit TV show have in common with a good old quest to find a job:

Initial rejection

This year got off to flyer in terms of awkward, cringey TV. A&E doctor, Alex, found himself distinctly short of a partner when he entered the villa and no one stood forward to couple up with him. Alex, the poor soul, was like a walking metaphor for anyone who has ever tried to put themselves out there in their market only to be met with a tumbleweed …

My type on paper

Last year, Olivia famously declared that “Muggy” Mike was “her type on paper”. What exactly did she mean by that? He quite clearly ticked all of the boxes that she was looking for in a potential partner. Have you ever seen a job advert so perfect you just knew you had to apply straight away? Where every element of the job is something that excites you and makes you want to learn more? You’ve found your ideal job, on paper.

Mugged off

A phrase that has now become common vernacular thanks to Love Island, it can be quite easy to feel “mugged off” by the whole job search process. It’s frustrating to be sending applications all over the place, connecting with people on LinkedIn and even making it to interview stage only to not hear anything back. Why not get in touch with one of our recruiters to help put the passion back in your quest for work?

Date night

Naturally, the courting couples try to show off their romantic sides with a little wining and dining during their time in the villa. They indulge in lavish date nights where they get to spend time together, (allegedly) getting to know each other on a deeper level. A job interview is a bit like a date – it’s a two way process wherein a business get to know you and decide whether or not you’d be a good cultural fit for their team. Similarly, you should be looking out for any red flags as to why you wouldn’t want to work there and ask your interviewer lots of questions about what your future might look like there.

I’ve got a text

It’s the moment you’ve been waiting for … Hearing back from your recruiter. We pick up the phone and let you know that the job that was totally “your type on paper” is now all yours in real life. Aww. We love a happy ending.

If you’re looking to pair yourself up with a brand new career this summer, get in touch with one of our teams.

We offer temporary, permanent and contract work across a range of sectors, including HR, Financial Services, Manufacturing & Engineering, Legal, Office Services, Accountancy & Finance, Change & IT and Call & Contact Centre.

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