Is It Possible to Completely Transition Careers?

Posted October 4 2021 By Nicholas Morton
 Over the past eighteen months or so, many of us have been faced with a rather daunting question: “Do I like my job?”. Or, perhaps, “Do I like my job enough to stay?”. This is no small question to ponder. The pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns gave many of us pause for thought – whether that was because we were enjoying the new found flexibility of working from home or, in my case, because our industries had been decimated. As a professional opera singer, I was used to touring the UK, performing in venues and not having ‘a base’ as such. However, Covid-19 soon put paid to any notions of touring life in 2020. And – like many people in different sectors – it gave me time to think. Was this a good time to leave the industry and, if so, what could I do instead? As performers, we’re used to being outgoing and loquacious. It’s in our nature to be around other people, thriving off their energy and their skills. We’re fast learners – sometimes committing entire scripts to memory in just a few days. We’re used to high pressure situations and – let’s be honest – rejection. We’re resilient. So, after a few brutally honest conversations with friends and family, I started to think about what else I might be good at. I wanted to apply the skills that I learned in my career to date in a new way. I started to make a list of the soft and technical skills I, and others thought I had. This was a key “lightbulb” moment for me. So often, when we see a job title we’ve never heard of, we just assume that we cannot do the job in question. It’s only when you read into the skills and requirements that you might realise that you’re a good match. This was the case for me with recruitment. I was fully aware that – as a novice to the industry – I would have to consider entry-level roles. That was fine. I wanted to re-train and flesh out any of the skills that would make me good at the job. I also had to consider location. Having not had a defined home for quite some time, this was really important to me. Culture and values were equally key. Giving up a life of travel and performance meant that the place I was going to work had to really excite and motivate me. Like so many people, I was also really intrigued by the opportunity to start afresh; to go into a new role and a new industry with no preconceptions of the job or of me. I allowed myself to have doubts, fears and anxieties. But I leaned into them. I knew that, if I didn’t make the leap now, I probably never would. I knew that the first few months would be hard – they have – and a steep learning curve. But I felt that with no risk came no reward, to use the cliché. And now? Well, now I am learning about the differences between Commercial Property law and Renewables. I’ve placed candidates in roles within the legal world. I’m learning new things – whether that’s tech or technique – every day. So, if you’re considering going from banker to barista; from acupuncturist to accountant just know that it is entirely possible. Sure, it will require time and effort, maybe even a course or two, but it can be done. I, myself, am currently working towards my CIPD qualification in addition to my new role at HRC. If you really want to make a change, our market-leading recruitment experts are here to help. If you are looking specifically within the Legal sector, I’d be more than happy to get to know you and your career plans. Click here to drop me an email and get in touch.
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