Meet the Recruiter: Chris Wilson

Posted April 21 2021 By mary-palmer
 How long have you been with HRC Recruitment? Just over one year. What made you want to join? I’ve come up against HRC Recruitment my whole career and had always heard it was a great place to work. It was important to me to work for a family-owned business which still had scale across multiple sectors all over Scotland. The progress I saw across social media and also the additional services such as Build Your Brand and Back in Business were very important additions to the standard recruitment agency. What career path did you follow to get to your current role? My first year in recruitment was spent within Social Care, which I loved, before moving into Financial Services. I helped build another Financial Services recruitment firm from scratch before taking the opportunity to manage the Financial Services team here at HRC. What was your dream job as a child?   Definitely an ice hockey player! I played since I was 5 years old and got to a decent, semi professional level, representing Scotland and Great Britain at the World University games. How have you found working from home? It has been tough not seeing friends and colleagues as much as we are used to, but I have to be honest and say I have loved having the chance to do the school / nursery run! MP_Chris Meet the RecruiterWhat does a typical day look like? At the time of writing this we are (still!) in lockdown and in the depths of homeschooling, so I’ll focus this answer on what a typical day used to look like! The best thing about this job is no day is the same, no conversation is the same. I try to focus my mornings on team catch ups and spend the afternoon speaking to candidates and clients as much as possible. What’s the best part of your job? Helping people find their dream jobs. It sounds obvious but there is no better feeling than calling a candidate to offer them a role when you have spent weeks (sometimes months!) chatting with them, giving advice, and sharing ideas about how best to present their application and get through a successful interview process. We are truly in a position to help and give impartial advice. At a time when access to information has never been easier, the advice we can give can really be valuable.  Describe the company culture here. In a word, great! 2020 was tough for most sectors but it’s much easier when surrounded by colleagues who want to help. That can take various forms, like simply assisting with workload where possible, to having an open and honest feedback process across the company to make sure we are all pushing each other to be the best. What’s been your biggest success so far? I’ve had some great experiences across my career and personal life but representing Great Britain playing ice hockey at the world university games stands out for me. The experience of travelling to Harbin, China (average temp -20 degrees), and playing against some of the best players in the world, who now play at the top level in the world in the NHL, was a great experience … until one of them broke my jaw! When we’re not in the middle of a pandemic, what do you like to do in your free time? I would always have said Ice Hockey here, which used to take up all my free time! I’ve not played for 3 years now so most of my time is spent playing golf and spending time with my wife Emma and our 2 kids, Ollie and Rosie, eating breakfast / brunch in every café across Glasgow and the west! MP_Chris Meet the RecruiterWhat is most important to you? Got to be family for me. I’ve had a few different chances to move away from Glasgow either for work or to play ice hockey and quickly realised I’m a homebird! Describe yourself in three words. Competitive, Friendly, Loyal If you need Financial Services, Risk & Compliance support for your business or are looking to make a career move, click here to get in touch with Chris directly.
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