How to Stay Productive Working From Home

Posted March 19 2020 By mary-palmer
 In the middle of the current public health crisis, many businesses are instructing employees to work from home in order to comply with government guidelines. For many, this might seem like a fantastic opportunity to dodge the commute or be able to stick a cheeky wash on at lunchtime. For some, it may prove more of a challenge. Perhaps you find it harder to motivate yourself when you’re not fully dressed up at your desk; for others it will be the chat and buzz of being part of team that they will miss. So, how do you make the most of home working? Here are seven great ways in which you can remain at the top of your game whilst working from home. Create dedicated space Don’t sit with your laptop on the couch. Even if you don’t have room to create a home office, sit up at a table and create a comfortable work space for your day-to-day. Try to recreate a proper office space as much as possible. Keep in touch Working from home can feel a little isolating so be sure to keep in regular contact with your colleagues via email or phone calls. Talk to your clients or bosses and arrange to meet for coffees or host video calls on platforms such as Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom or Microsoft Teams. This will keep you in the loop as to everything that you are working on. Eat well There can be a temptation to snack or eat less healthily, simply because there is no one around to witness it. But a poor diet is linked to a lack of concentration so if you want to stay productive, it’s best to ditch the snacks and eat better. Minimise distractions Certainly, one of the perks of working from home is that you don’t have to worry about deliveries or appointment, but you shouldn’t let these impede on your day too much. Likewise, don’t let friends or family text or call just because you aren’t in an office space. Set up firm boundaries from the start. Set working hours Most companies are happy for employees who work from home to set their own hours as long as they are available within the core hours of the day. If you are more productive later in the evening and no use at an early start, play to your strengths. Tick it off the list Setting a daily to-do list is a great idea whether you work at home or in an office. But at home it can really set you up for the day ahead in terms of creating a structure and targets to work towards. This is important, particularly if you are easily distracted. Take breaks Studies have shown that those who work from home are more likely to engage in longer hours than those who work in an office. But you are still entitled to screen breaks for the sake of giving your eyes (and your head) a rest. Make sure you take them – feeling refreshed will ultimately make you more productive. All of our recruiters are still available via email, phone call or video chat. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch as you normally would. Our COVID-19 advice for clients and candidates can be found on the homepage of our website.
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