7 Useful Things To Do on Your Commute

Posted April 3 2019 By mary-palmer
 We spend an awful lot of time on our commute; on buses and trains and in cars, making our way to and from our work. Sometimes, when the sun is shining it doesn’t seem so bad. Other times, when you’ve trudged through howling wind and sheeting rain, only to find you can’t get a seat, you pretty much want to pack in the day job. Commuting definitely has its peaks and troughs. But, it can actually be rather productive in setting you up for the day ahead, or simply relaxing before the madness begins. We’ve come up with some good ideas as to how to use your time on your daily commute. Listen to a podcast Whether it’s your favourite radio show or blogger, catching up on a podcast is ideal for a commute. Not only does it clear your head, it will probably make you smile at least once. It’s also a good way to get clued up on your market – there are plenty of industry specific podcasts that you could listen to. Read or listen to something challenging Pick up a book (yes, they still exist) or choose an audiobook that will genuinely challenge you. Ditch your usual favourites and pick something that you know is beyond your normal attention span. It might surprise you how much you enjoy it. Read something market specific Pick up a book that will teach you how to get better (or get ahead) within your market. Read up on what industry insiders have to say on plotting a successful career path or improving your skills set. Make notes on things that jump out at you and try to apply them to your day-to-day. Learn a language Learning a language can actually open up so many career paths that you had never even thought of. There are plenty of apps and podcasts that you can download and listen to every day to get used to the rhythms and vocabulary of the language. Buena suerte! Catch up on current affairs Download a news app or pick up a newspaper – make sure you are clued up as to what’s going on in the world. It might feel like all the headlines are depressing but political events - major or otherwise – could have an impact on your industry so it’s important to keep abreast of what is happening. Exercise Why not get off the bus a few stops early or park further away from the office, if it’s possible? Getting a little bit of walking in – weather permitting – before the day starts is a good way to sneak a bit of exercise in to your routine. Better yet, ditch four wheels and swap them for two: Cycling to work is the ultimate form of commuter exercise. Plan your day What better way to get a head start on the day ahead than to make a to-do list? Either on your phone or on paper, it’s a great idea to write things down and be able to tick them off. It will give you a clear idea of your workload and schedule, whilst giving you the satisfaction of being able to mark off everything you achieve.
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