Meet the Communications Manager: Mary Palmer

Posted September 17 2018 By mary-palmer
 Communications ManagerHow long have you been with HRC Recruitment? I joined on the very last day of January 2017, so over a year and a half now. What made you want to join? I wasn’t actually job hunting when I saw an ad that started with “Do you like telling stories?” Anyone who knows me knows that I don’t say ten words when fifty will do, so it made sense to reply to the ad. Then, once I got in for interview, I could tell that HRC was a healthy working environment with plenty of opportunities to progress and that made me even more determined to secure the job here. What career path did you follow to get to your current role? I’ve just about worked everywhere over the past decade or so. I have a Master’s degree in Film Journalism from the University of Glasgow and when I graduated, I was utterly convinced that Empire were going to snap me up. They obviously didn’t, and so I went from working in a cash office and a jewellers, to being a social media manager, to being a marketing support assistant to finally working full-time as a journalist. From there, I started as a Content Specialist at HRC before being promoted to Communications Manager before the end of my first year here. What was your dream job as a child?  I’d be lying if I said it didn’t involve being up on a stage. I do love a bit of jazz hands. Having said that, my Primary 7 year book clearly states an ambition to be a dietician. A few years of science at high school put paid to that idea and I began to put my focus into something I was good at: writing. How do you commute to work? It’s a treacherous feat – unreliable First bus. You really have to put aside your sense of smell or desire to be home on time. What does a typical day look like? I don’t have “set tasks” to work my way through each day – although, I do cling dearly to my paper diary and daily to-do lists. It’s not very technical of me but I love the endorphin release from ticking everything off! I cover everything from event bookings to content creation; social media strategy to branded merchandise. So, from one day to the other I can find myself chasing PR slots and creating images; helping recruiters with LinkedIn to designing a presentation or building a microsite. A lot of my work is project based and reactive and I like being kept on my toes. Mostly, my weeks rely on plenty of baby tea and I need my 4pm packet of crisps in order to function. What’s the best part of your job? Despite the fact I always look very serious, I actually really enjoy my job and the variety it gives me. I’m someone who likes to be busy and using my brain and HRC gives me that. I usually feel most proud when a client, candidate or new colleague says they have read one of our blogs or spotted an ad somewhere. Marketing and communications is a support function, so I love it when the recruiters at HRC achieve success through something I have helped with. Mary Palmer Communications ManagerDescribe the company culture here. I think it’s very friendly and nurturing. The Support team here are a really amazing, talented group of people who always have time for a quick catch up or a tea round. I think when you have colleagues that you want to be around and can learn from, that makes it seem less like work. What’s been your biggest success so far? Getting my Master’s degree felt like hard slog at the time but I’m really proud to say that I have it. Next stop, PhD! And, of course, being promoted in HRC to a level of responsibility that I absolutely relish. The brand we have now is something to shout about. What do you like to do in your free time? I still freelance film reviews so I watch a lot of cinema. It doesn’t matter what kind - I’ll watch anything from The Third Man to The Meg. I like going to the Glasgow Film Festival every year to experience something a bit different. I would love to go to some of the bigger European festivals, like the Berlinale. I’m also a big reader and I set myself a challenge of reading one book every fortnight this year and I’m well on track. (I spend a lot of lunch times in Waterstones.) Have you been on holiday this year? Not yet! I jet off to Vancouver at the end of the month for ten days there with my boyfriend. It’s somewhere I’ve never been before, and I can’t wait to explore. It seems to be the perfect blend of city, coast and mountains. I’m determined to see more of the world in the next few years. What is most important to you? Personally, it’s family and loved ones. I have an incredible family who have seen me through the best and worst of times. I couldn’t do without them. Also, my boyfriend, Chris, who never fails to make me laugh. Professionally speaking, it’s all about career satisfaction. I want to go home each day knowing I’ve contributed to the business and made a valuable impact on what HRC has to offer. Describe yourself in three words. Overthinker, creative, bookish.  
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