Why Temp Workers Should Be Your Go-to for Maternity Cover

Posted July 22 2019 By Monica Lochrie
 If an employee were to share the joyous news that they or their partner were expecting a baby, how would you react? Would you congratulate them, give them a hug and start planning a whip round? Or would you start to panic about how you’re going to cope when they take time off for maternity or paternity leave? What most employers don’t realise is that many employees are just as worried about their maternity cover as you are. Not only are they frightened that they will be out of the loop upon their return, but they have the stress of putting together a handover before they leave (as if preparing for the arrival of a baby wasn’t stressful enough!). Maternity and paternity cover is a crucial thing for a business to get right. Get it wrong and the consequences can be serious for both the employer and employee: Disruption, reduced productivity, a lot of hassle and needless costs. But, if you get it right, you will not only have a happy parent keen to return to work, but you’ll have had no issues in the meantime. That’s why, as recruiters, we are specialists in sourcing temp employees. We can turn what can often be the headache of maternity and paternity cover into a seamless transition period for your business. Temporary workers are every bit as professional and hard-working as full-time employees – and they can really add value to your business. They’re able to start work straight away and come fully equipped with a high skill-set, which can often meet very niche requirements. This isn’t a candidate who can’t find work, this is a diligent individual who has chosen to make a career out of flexible, temporary contracts. They will be every bit as dedicated and passionate as your full-time staff. Temps don’t need to be trained up, they are often experts in their field. They are highly adaptable employees who aren’t phased by big projects or a new environment. They can save your company from stalling on any major work. And, since they are armed with industry knowledge and skills, they would have no problem dealing with a detailed and technical handover from the parent-to-be. They are perfectly placed to step in at the last minute and make an immediate impact. Temps know their time with a company is a short one, so they almost always make the most of it. As a recruitment agency, we are responsible for undertaking the responsibility of recruiting, screening, skills testing, hiring workers, payroll, taxes, holiday pay and employers National Insurance contribution. So you really won’t have to give it much thought beyond making the initial step of contacting us to secure staff. We have an excellent talent pool of temporary candidates, ready to meet your maternity or paternity leave requirements. Across all of our sectors – from finance to HR to engineering – we can offer advice about the procedure for hiring temporary workers. We are incredibly experienced in sourcing and recruiting temps. We’re ready to help you secure a positive placement. Get in touch: 0141 353 8389 / mlochrie@hrcrecruitment.co.uk
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