Meet The Recruiter: Lisa Smyth

Posted August 20 2018 By Lisa-Marie Smyth
 Lisa SmythHow long have you been with HRC Recruitment? I started in May 2017 so over one year now. What made you want to join? I’d just come to the end of my degree and had interviewed with a few different companies but meeting the people at HRC really sold the business and the culture to me. There wasn’t one person that I didn’t click with throughout the whole process and they were all really transparent about what I could expect. What career path did you follow to get to your current role? I’ve had a few different roles, however, prior to going into recruitment I worked as an administrator and then as a part-time social media manager. I chose to go into recruitment as I’ve always been self-motivated, and focused. I get bored if I’m not being challenged and this job certainly comes with its challenges! What was your dream job as a child?   I wanted to be either a journalist or an author. How do you commute to work? I take a ten-minute train journey into Glasgow Central. What does a typical day look like? A typical day starts with coffee, of course! After that I will reply to my emails, review CV’s, screen candidates over the telephone, arrange interviews with my clients and the list goes on. Some days go more smoothly than others and you have to be prepared for absolutely anything! What’s the best part of your job? It’s not for the faint hearted but this can be a really rewarding industry both professionally and financially. If you put the work in you really can and will see great results and there honestly is no better feeling than meeting both your candidates and client’s expectations. I often meet people early on in their careers who are looking for their next challenge and it’s great to be able to offer them the advice and support they need to take that next step. Describe the company culture here. Supportive. We all want each other to do well. There is nothing better than being surrounded by successful and experienced recruiters who genuinely enjoy what they do. What’s been your biggest success so far? Graduating with a first-class honors degree. I dropped out of university the first time and I didn’t think I would go back so it meant a lot that I did so well. What do you like to do in your free time? I’m a bit of a gym bunny and I really love weight training and finding fun new ways to get fit.  Aside from this, I really like trying out new places to eat and going on holiday to new places I haven’t been before whether that is with my family, boyfriend or friends. Have you been on holiday this year? If so, where? I went a girl’s weekend to Barcelona earlier in the year with my friends. What is most important to you? I think it is so important to find your own way of doing things in this industry. We are in constant competition with other recruiters and being able to think outside the box in order to deliver is so important. Being able to work creatively is one of the things that makes this job so interesting. That said, you have to be able to switch off from work and look after your mental health. Stress can be super unproductive. Describe yourself in three words. Positive. Hard working. Friendly.
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