How To Video Interview Your Candidates

Posted July 13 2020 By Lisa-Marie Smyth
 Initially, as recruiters, it did seem like lockdown was going to bring our industry to a standstill – no matter which market you covered. However, what this time has given many businesses is the chance to take a look at their existing structure and, where things aren’t working, make changes. So, there is still recruitment going on out there – whether that’s a result of restructure or repurposing. The Financial Services industry is certainly still going strong as we all look to our banks, lenders and insurers to provide advice and additional services. How do you make changes to your team and bring on a new hire when you can’t do things in the usual way? That’s where video interviewing steps up. It has become a massive part of the recruitment process for so many firms, no matter their size. As an employer, you’ll want to make the most out of this opportunity to get to know your candidates as well as if they were sitting opposite you in an office or conference room. It’s still important to hire for both skills and attitude – and it’s trickier to do this via video. Here are my top tips for successfully video interviewing candidates for your business. Make instructions clear Not all of your candidates will be familiar with your chosen video interview platform. So, as well as sending them a calendar invite with a specific date and start time, you might want to send some basic instructions – such as to how to set up an account and log in – their way. You may also want to set a dress code, as some candidates are unsure as to what to wear. Why not send them our video interviewing tips, too? That way they’ll be set up correctly and sounding clear. Ask the right questions Visual cues that you would rely on in a face-to-face interview might not be as obvious via Skype or Zoom, so it’s important that you ask the right questions that will help you make more informed decisions as to their suitability for the role. The “tell me about a time when …” or “talk me through …” type of questions encourage people to give more personality led answers (as well as clues to their skill base). Pay close attention With emails popping up and various notifications constantly appearing on our screens, it can be so easy to get distracted. So, shut down or mute everything that you won’t need to conduct the interview. Video interview platforms require that you “listen harder” so you should free yourself up from any unnecessary distractions so that you can truly hear what the candidate is saying. Follow up Like any interview, following up with the candidate within a few days and giving constructive feedback is incredibly important. Candidates feel especially nervous about committing to video interviews, therefore timely feedback is critical for candidate experience (and your employer brand). If you would like to speak to me about talent strategy or pipeline within the Financial Services market across Scotland, I’d be delighted to help. Click here to drop me an email and we can have a chat.
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