Meet the Recruiter: Lorna Rogen

Posted April 14 2021 By Lorna Rogen
 MP_Meet the Recruiter LornaHow long have you been with HRC Recruitment? I have been part of the team for one year and seven months now. What made you want to join? I have always been in the mindset of wanting to help people. And if I can help someone find their dream job, I want to be in that line of work. What career path did you follow to get to your current role? Before recruitment, I was in retail management and then I had my own personal training business. What was your dream job as a child?   I wanted to be a ballerina or a backing dancer. How have you found working from home? I have enjoyed it much more than I thought I would. I have loved living in comfy clothes and getting hourly pup cuddles. But it would be nice to see some different faces from time to time. What does a typical day look like? Wake up around 7am – morning cardio on my spin bike, a quick shower and take the dog his morning walk. Work from 9 - 1pm then lunch time feed and walk. Back to work 2 - 5.30pm then homework out in the kitchen or a longer evening walk. Dinner time around 8pm then chill and watch something – just now its Zero Zero Zero on Sky Atlantic, which I highly recommend. What is the best part of your job? One day is never the same as the next. Describe the company culture here. Everyone is there to help one another. No problem every goes unbeloved. You feel like you are part of a great big family. MP_Meet the Recruiter LornaWhat’s been your biggest success so far? From a professional perspective, getting a promotion from Associate to Consultant here at HRC - during a pandemic! From a personal perspective, in 2018 I became the British Bodybuilding Champion in my category class of Toned Figure. When we’re not in the middle of a pandemic, what do you like to do in your free time? Socialising and going out for dinner with friends and family; going on nice holidays and travel; going to the gym. What is most important to you? People being upfront and honest with you – transparency. And timekeeping - don’t set a time or deadline if you aren’t going to make it! Describe yourself in three words. Honest, reliable and determined. If you need temporary Accountancy support for your business or are looking to make a career move, click here to get in touch with Lorna directly.
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