Meet the Recruiter: Lynne Macdonald

Posted March 24 2021 By Lynne Macdonald
 How long have you been with HRC Recruitment? I have been here for around 18 months now. What made you want to join? Reputation on the market from people who worked there, the culture, the technology and the overall ethos of a people driven consultancy business and not just recruitment. What career path did you follow to get to your current role? I completed a 5 year business Honours degree then decided that I wanted to do recruitment as it was about building relationships and meeting new people. And I like to talk! What was your dream job as a child?   Criminal psychologist or popstar in a girl band (slight issue as I can’t sing!) How have you found working from home? I love it. I miss the people but not the commute. I love being able to cook and eat dinner with kids and walk the puppy with my son every morning before starting work. MP_Meet the Recruiter LynneWhat does a typical day look like? Walking wee Coco along the waterfront with gorgeous views and my son yapping in my ear the whole way. Grab a coffee and log in. Days are busy and go super quick between internal video calls, virtual client meetings, virtual or phone interview with candidates, and chatting to candidates and clients on mobile. In between this I need to do a lot of headhunting due to the shortage of strong accountancy candidates on the market. If I have time, I squeeze in a lunchtime walk. Then it’s home schooling! What’s the best part of your job? Chatting all day and building relationships with clients and candidates. And when you offer a candidate a role and get a genuinely delighted reaction! Describe the company culture here. Fun, interactive, fast paced, busy and collaborative. What’s been your biggest success so far? My amazing kids, Eilidh and Callan. They both make me laugh daily. When we’re not in the middle of a pandemic, what do you like to do in your free time? A lot of my free time is taken up with Eilidh’s dancing and competitions, and Callan’s football. Also spending time with wider family, nieces and nephews, and my friends. MP_Meet the Recruiter LynneWhat is most important to you? My family. And making people happy. Describe yourself in three words. Funny (I think), personable and hardworking. If you need Accountancy & Finance support for your business or are looking to make a career move, click here to get in touch with Lynne directly.
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