Sixty Seconds With: Kirsty McFarlane

Posted February 19 2019 By Kirsty McFarlane
 Kirsty McFarlaneDescribe your job in no more than five words. Varied, fast, rewarding, intense, fulfilling. Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I broke both of my arms at the same time, the day before my birthday. If you had to compare yourself to an animal, which one would it be and why? Lioness – protective and loyal to the pack! I also enjoy a nap. What is the best thing about working at HRC? HRC has a very supportive culture where everyone is rooting for each other and their progression. It’s a great business with a market stronghold and our consultants are held in very high regard across industry and profession – which is something I am really excited to be a part of and continue to grow. What is your biggest achievement as a recruiter? Building a strong and enduring portfolio of my own clients from the very beginning of my career – and still working with the same clients today. Relationships which are based on trust mean everything to me, and it is very rewarding when organisations and people continue working with me over the years and having repeat business. Describe yourself in three words … Driven, dedicated and clumsy. … Now ask the colleague to your left to describe you in three words. Professional, feisty, and thorough. Can you tell us about your most embarrassing moment? There are too many! Recently, however, when I was visiting friends in Belfast, I had to go to the airport via A&E because I had gotten a ring stuck on my finger and it needed to be cut off. Do you have any phobias? Spiders Who is your celebrity crush? Harrison Ford Favourite film? Star Wars Favourite singer / artist? Muse Kirsty McFarlaneFavourite book? Jilly Cooper – don’t judge me, its easy reading! Favourite colour? Blue Sun or snow? Snow Apple or android? Apple Facebook or Instagram? Facebook Tea or coffee? Coffee in the morning, tea before bed. Text or call? When I am not working, I try to avoid both! Night in or night out? Cosy nights in during winter, out and about in the summer.
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