How To Apply For A Temp Job

Posted October 14 2019 By Jade Mason
 Temp workers are perhaps the most diverse range of candidates I have ever had the pleasure of working with – they come from all ages, races, genders and backgrounds and have chosen to enjoy the flexibility of contract work. My candidates have chosen to temp for a number of reasons, including the flexibility contract work offers and the chance to flesh out their CV whilst they weigh up their career options. With the socio-political climate the way it is (we won’t mention the B-word), we have seen a rise in businesses looking to attract temp candidates to help with skills gaps that cannot be left to chance. So, if you’re considering temp work, here’s how to make yourself a stand-out candidate: Tailor your CV Editing your CV and cover letter to make them specific to the job at hand should go without saying. Take the time to ensure that everything you have to say is important to the person reading your details. You should also attempt to answer any job interview questions with market-specific information that will be relevant to the company. Work with a recruiter Your recruiter will have the best insight as to what to expect at your job interviews. They will have a well-established relationship with your prospective employer so don’t be afraid to ask questions to help you prepare. As the old saying goes, forewarned is fore-armed, so give yourself the best chance possible by asking your recruiter as many relevant questions as you need. List your transferable skills You might well be an experienced receptionist within an Accountancy firm, but have you considered working for a newspaper or a whisky distillery? So many different industries require the same level of knowledge and experience across the board, so you have to make sure that all of your transferable skills are clearly listed on your CV to make you more appealing to a potential employer. Convey “fit” As well as demonstrating your array of skills and expertise, you should also demonstrate how much of a ‘natural fit’ you are for the company. For instance, if your recruiter advises you that the company are sociable and friendly, try and think of ways you can convey this in the interview or, if appropriate, offer up specific examples. Many of my talented candidates have impressed so much on their temporary assignments that they have been offered permanent roles, so this is something you might want to consider with each assignment you take. I am always on hand to give you advice about becoming a temp worker. Get in touch to discuss your options – / 0141 353 8378.
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