How To Attract Talent in a Candidate Short Market

Posted October 8 2021 By Jackie MacGregor
 We have all seen the most recent headlines. 100,000 truck drivers needed to ensure food and other essentials hit our shelves. Hospitality venues having to close for a few days per week owing to a lack of staff (not lack of customers). Permanent placements hitting record highs in the UK. Yes, the pendulum has truly swung – we are now in a candidate driven market where the number of vacancies far outstrips the number of available or qualified candidates. This has required a mindset shift for businesses and recruiters looking to attract and retain vital hires. Prospective candidates have the bargaining power and, as such, come with a fresh set of expectations with regards to deal breakers such as flexible working and salary. Being able to balance the immediate need for staff with securing long term hires who will not only stay within a business but make a positive difference is becoming increasingly difficult. As The Undercover Recruiter notes, “With overall candidate availability declining at the quickest rate since May 2017, recruiters and HR teams must now pick out top talent from a rapidly shrinking pool.” If you’re hiring, it doesn’t feel like the best position to be in, does it? However, there are some steps you can take to secure the best talent for your business. Work with a recruiter We have databases full of candidates. Whilst not all of them will be right for your business, they are a great starting point. They might know someone suitable and be able to recommend them or they might consider the role for themselves. We spend our days talking and networking – so why not tap into that resource rather than just sticking a job posting up and hoping something sticks? Reassess your hiring process Is your hiring process fit for purpose in this candidate driven market? Do you really need every single (proposed) step in order to secure the best candidate? Could you reduce the time to hire by working with a recruiter and using a video platform, like Hinterview? Do all levels of roles need to go through the same process? Does your Compliance need to be adjusted in the post-Brexit, post-pandemic world? These are all questions that our recruitment teams can advise you on. Time is of the essence Candidates are in the fortunate position of having a few roles to choose from. So, if you’re taking too long to provide interview feedback or, indeed, make an offer, your competitors could be stepping in and snapping up the best talent whilst you procrastinate. Don’t let that happen. When you reassess your hiring process, look at the time frame of everything, too. What’s on offer? The unexpected taste of freedom that working from home has given candidates is having a ripple effect across all markets. If you’re able to offer remote working or flexible schedules, do it! You can only gain from this. Starting salaries, in some industries, are also increasing by a significant amount. Research what other companies are offering – in terms of the total remuneration package – and ensure that what you can provide is as competitive as possible. Employer brand and marketing Let’s face it, we’ve all pretty much lived our lives online for the past 18 months. So, if a candidate were to research your company on social media, what would they find? Having a presence online is absolutely critical. Your employer brand can make the difference between someone wanting to work with you or not. So, do all you can to establish a solid reputation, convey your values and culture and generally market your business as a desirable place to work. If you need help attracting great talent in the Office Services, Call & Contact Centre or Marketing space, or are looking to make a career move, don’t hesitate to drop me an email to set up a chat.
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