6 Signs It's Time To Leave Your Job

Posted July 12 2021 By Jackie MacGregor
 Okay, it’s time. Time for you to move on with your career and start afresh something else. No, nothing major has happened. You just get a sense that your ambitions and experience would be best served elsewhere. Know the feeling? It doesn’t necessarily take something catastrophic – although toxic work cultures, workplace bullies and burn out are always valid reasons to look for a new role – to prompt candidates to decide to make a career move. It can be small, seemingly insignificant things that all add up to a bigger picture. So, is it time to go? Here are just some of the reasons you might want to consider putting yourself on the market … The pandemic exposed real flaws Perhaps the past 14 months or so have demonstrated to you that your current employer is woefully behind in terms of flexible working practices, or maybe they have asked you to work without proper PPE. Perhaps you haven’t felt supported, mentally or emotionally, or maybe they asked you to pick up work whilst you were on furlough. Think about it – were the cultures and pressures of the last year worth it? You are burned out Whether that’s because the pressures of the last year have been too much or that current expectations and targets are unrealistic, you really have to think long and hard about a job that is impacting your physical and mental health. It is not realistic to keep working at a pace that is going to wear you out. Especially if the company is not providing adequate support and breaks. Progression is non-existent So you want to be a manager … But there’s no team to manage and no option to progress. Will a sideways move be enough? What is the training and career development like? What options are there for you to pick up new skills and progress? If the answer is “non-existent”, then you need to think about what your career goals are and if you’d be better off achieving them elsewhere. You aren’t engaged No workplace is all singing, all dancing all the time. Sometimes, you have to do boring paperwork or take part in something you aren’t that keen on. But these should be rare incidences. If you feel bored, demotivated and unenthusiastic at work every day then there is a good chance that it’s time to move on and find a new challenge. You aren’t valued Perhaps you have worked every hour during lockdown; or your skills set is in high demand; maybe you regularly go above and beyond … Is that reflected in your salary, benefits package and career development options? Have a look around – what are other companies offering candidates with your knowledge and experience? You could have a good case for a salary increase, promotion or simply the opportunity to pursue your ambitions elsewhere. Diversity and inclusion is an issue The pandemic may have highlighted flaws in technology and flexibility, but did it also expose a bad attitude to D&I? Poor hiring practices, a ‘tick box’ approach, lack of willingness to change and adapt … if this sounds familiar, you are probably working somewhere where D&I is not a priority. But, if it’s a priority for you, you might want to start looking for a role with an employer who not only professes to care about D&I, but actively takes steps to redress the balance. If any of these points sound familiar and you would be open to a confidential chat about your options on the market, I am always happy to speak with candidates across Office Services, Marketing and Contact Centre. Click here to drop me an email and get in touch.
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