How to Look for Work During Lockdown

Posted September 11 2020 By Jackie MacGregor
 If you’ve been made redundant as a result of the pandemic – or perhaps some furlough time has convinced you that it’s time for a career move – you may be wondering how to go about your job search. After all, the markets are bound to be saturated with candidates in the same boat, right? And, if companies are making cuts, are they really likely to be looking for new hires so soon? Economists everywhere are predicting a recession, so firing CVs out to every and any job you come across just won’t cut it. Here are my top tips for conducting a fruitful job search whilst we’re still battling against the Covid-19 pandemic. Get networking online Okay, so we can’t go to events any more and chat to people who may be useful industry contacts but you can still network. Join in conversations on LinkedIn or professional forums and join industry relevant online groups and webinars in order to keep up to date with developments and get your name out there. Use the time to reflect Perhaps you won’t have time to do this if you need to find your next employment urgently. But, if you do have time to take a “breather”, now is the best time to assess your career goals. Were you happy in the industry / role you were in? Could it be time for a change? If so, what skills will that require and how can you acquire them? Re-do your CV Most people don’t keep an up-to-date CV lying around. Now is the time to dust yours off and get it looking (and reading!) it’s very best. Why not check out our collection of CV writing tips on the HRC blog to ensure yours stands out for all the right reasons? Practice online interviews Do a test run with your friends, your family or your recruiter (if you’re working with one). Video interviews feel very different to in person interviews (although you should still do the same amount of thorough preparation). Do you have the necessary tech? What is the dress code? Click here to read our blog on how to video interview successfully. Do your research Make a list of companies you’d like to work for … Now take a look at their social media accounts and review sites. How have they handled the Covid crisis? Are their values and benefits clearly visible and are they living by them? How a company treats its employees when the chips are down speaks volumes. Consider your skills set If you have had time to reflect throughout the pandemic, perhaps you’ve realised that your skills need refreshed or that you’ll need an entirely new skills set altogether in order to transition into a different industry. There are lots of free online courses from the likes of Google and Hubspot (to name a few) – check out what’s relevant and desirable in your industry and get applying! If you would like to speak to me confidentially about a career move within Office Services, Sales & Marketing or Procurement and Supply Chain, I’d be delighted to have a chat. Get in touch with me via email –
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