Brands and The Pandemic - Are You Marketing Yours Properly?

Posted January 29 2021 By Jackie MacGregor
 I don’t know about you, dear readers, but there are some things in my life I’m just not willing to give up. Yes, we’re in a pandemic and I’ve been on furlough, during which I learned the ancient art of economising. No more fancy dinners out; no more cheeky glasses of wine after work; no more buying clothes on my lunch hour. But there are some things that I just can’t bring myself to “trade”. My lipstick has to be Mac’s Ruby Woo. My teacakes have to be Tunnocks. And my ketchup – as the marketing strapline once read – has to be Heinz. There’s a familiarity in them all. I know exactly what to expect and what I am paying for. And, when the world around us is just one plague short of apocalypse, there is great comfort in that. Seeing the familiar labels; tasting or using the familiar products. It all feels rather safe and certain in the midst of ongoing restrictions and lockdowns. And I’m not the only one who thinks so. Henry Farr, a consultant at Brand Finance remarked that the pandemic has seen consumers either return to familiar brands or remain with them fervently, “Incumbent popular brands have seen sales surge while peripheral challenger brands have struggled for their share of the wallet. “This serves to show the importance of brand building. When so much of people’s lives is uncertain, consumers will look to brand that they are familiar with and trust.” Right now – no matter what industry your business operates in – having a clear brand is crucial. That doesn’t mean you can’t continue to innovate and excite (because you will always have new customers to win over) but it does mean that you have to work even harder at building in that recognition and comfort factor. Some of the key things to think about include:
  • How do you communicate with potential consumers?
  • What social platforms do you use?
  • How often do you post?
  • Is there a clear “tone of voice” across all of your marketing materials?
  • Do your employer brand and consumer brand align? Do they need a refresh?
  • Does your logo and website actually reflect what you offer as a business?
At the start of the pandemic, back in March 2020, many businesses moved swiftly to cut costs. A lot of them chose to get rid of their marketing teams – meaning that, potentially, they have had no real brand out in the market for almost a year. Consumers forget what they can’t see. Something new and shiny will always be there to take their attention away from your brand. Consistency really is key. And yes, many brands have had hundreds of years to curate that sense of familiarity and recognition, but that’s not to say you can’t make a start on building something long-lasting for your own business now. In fact, with everyone at home and time spent online going through the roof, there’s never been a better time to get in front of a captive audience (who can’t really go anywhere else!). HRC Recruitment are delighted to be recruiting in the marketing space – helping you attract talented professionals who will give your business the brand identity and consistency that you need. Get in touch with myself or Scott Caithness to find out how we can help.
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