Changing Jobs? Here's Some Helpful Advice ...

Posted October 22 2018 By Jackie MacGregor
 People change jobs. People become unemployed. These are two indisputable facts. (Otherwise there would be no need for recruiters!) Within the current Millennials generation, ‘job hopping’ (changing jobs every two years or less) is not seen as something shameful. It’s just part of finding the right fit and gaining more experience. The ‘job for life’ mantra uttered a generation ago no longer exists. So, how do you leave a job gracefully? Ideally, you could hand in your notice thirty seconds before your last day and run out the door. Obviously, that won’t ever be the case. But there are ways to deal with the situation so that you don’t burn your bridges or manage to alienate the office you’re leaving behind. The most important thing, of course, is to never take the decision to leave a company lightly. Just because you had a bad week or a bad month isn’t necessarily grounds for divorce. But, if your heart is set on pastures new, we’re here to make the transition period run smoothly. Follow our five tips for leaving your current job without causing any unnecessary bad feeling. Make sure the timing is right Don't resign after you receive your bonus or achieve a target. This will make you think about your time with that business in a less critical manner and make you less inclined to remember the true reason you are leaving (making you more likely to accept a counter offer). It might also create a perception that you are purely motivated by money amongst your current colleagues, which you may not want. On the flipside of this, a few bad days or a particularly stressful project doesn’t mean you hate your job. If you’re really serious about moving on, you’ll have to find a better reason than that. Prepare for a counter offer It doesn't matter whether you think you will or won't be made a counter-offer to stay. Prepare yourself mentally – saying no can often be hard! Remember what your reason is for leaving in the first place and don't believe any promises that are made relating to change and improvement. Accepting a counter offer will not resolve any challenges or frustrations that led you to decide to leave in the first place. Also, it is unlikely your reason for leaving is (genuinely) related to money, so don't be swayed by a financial incentive. Put it in writing A clearly signed and dated resignation letter is just good manners. You should also make your reasons for leaving known (without being rude). This feedback is vital for your employer and they should take it on board if it is relevant. Thank them for any opportunities you have been given during your time at the company. There are plenty of helpful examples online. Don't burn your bridges Be respectful of your employer and their employees. When you hand in your notice, don't shout about it. Speak to your line manager first. Don't post anything on social media until you start your new job and don't rub it in your colleagues faces. Also, don’t bad mouth the place. Chances are, if you’re moving to a similar business, there may well be connections there. Stay sober on your leaving night Well … Relatively.
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