Why Candidate Feedback is Crucial

Posted February 27 2019 By Jackie MacGregor
 Good candidates – at a time when UK employment rates are at a record high – are hard to find. You want someone who is not only technically adept but a strong cultural fit for your business. So, when you find a candidate who ticks both boxes … Why would you keep them waiting? Swift and, where possible, detailed interview feedback is at the heart of every excellent recruitment process. Candidates, whether they have been successful or not, still want to find out what their strengths and weaknesses were. Little to no feedback is a poor reflection for of your business – and the last thing you want is to leave a bad impression with someone who could either (a) potentially work for you in future or (b) work for one of your competitors. So, how do you give constructive feedback to every candidate who goes through your hiring process? Here are my top tips: Be timely Feedback shouldn’t take an age to get back to the candidate. If you interview someone on a Monday, aim to pass on some feedback within 48 hours at the very latest. It will do your company’s reputation the world of good to be seen as considerate and well-organised. Be polite There’s something deeply impersonal about an email – and don’t even think about sending a text. Pick up the phone and let someone actually have a back and forth discussion with you. Be honest It won’t make sense to a candidate if you say all these wonderful things about them and they still don’t get the job. If someone didn’t seem like a good culture fit, or they weren’t experienced enough, let them know. But, obviously, bear in mind that interview nerves can get the better of almost anyone. Be detailed No one expects a lengthy speech but if you could give a few detailed, specific examples of questions that did or did not go well, that gives a candidate something to work on for next time. It would be helpful to make notes during the interview itself so that you can refer back to these examples in your feedback. Be prepared You may get a few follow up questions from candidates looking to know more about their performance. Be ready to answer these. After all, it only takes a few moments out of your day and it will say a lot about your company’s reputation if you are willing to do so. If you would like help to source high calibre candidates or help with your interview processes, speak with our Offices Services team today. Click here to get in touch.
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