Sixty Seconds With: James Blyth

Posted February 21 2019 By James Blyth
 Describe your job in no more than five words.   People, partnerships, challenging, exciting, COFFEE. Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I once helped BB King up the stairs at the Edinburgh Playhouse. If you had to compare yourself to an animal, which one would it be and why? I have two Siamese cats and we are all one and the same – Independent, sociable, affectionate on occasion but will let you know when you have overstepped the mark. What is the best thing about working at HRC? The collaboration and expertise that can be tapped into. What is your biggest achievement as a recruiter? Gaining access to three national multi-site PSL accounts which all happened in one week after months of work. Describe yourself in three words … Generous, loyal, honest. Can you tell us about your most embarrassing moment? Attending a funeral and the car park was overcrowded. I had to park on grass and attempted to jump a fence as the most direct route to the church when my trousers ripped right along the seam from back to front. My long coat saved me that day, but I will always remember having to hold my legs together for what felt like hours sitting down in case anyone noticed. James BlythDo you have any phobias? No Who is your celebrity crush? Mila Kunis Favourite film? The Departed Favourite singer / artist? Otis Redding Favourite book? The Sicilian by Mario Puzo Favourite colour? Green Sun or snow? Sun Apple or android? Apple Facebook or Instagram? Instagram Tea or coffee? Coffee Text or call? Call Night in or night out? A night out
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