Meet the Recruiter: Isla Stevenson

Posted August 4 2021 By Isla Stevenson
 What made you want to join HRC Recruitment? I studied French and HR Management at University and have always been interested in the Recruitment and Selection elements of my course. Being a brand ambassador for Saltire this year and being part of the recruitment process for the 2021 cohort of interns, I thoroughly enjoyed being on the recruiting side of the process and realised it was something I wanted to pursue after finishing University. I was aware of the friendly, positive team ethos within HRC and knew that was something I wanted to be a part of. What career path did you follow before getting into recruitment? I finished my final exams at university a few weeks prior to starting this role. What was your dream job as a child?  I always wanted to be a teacher but after a year of teaching young French children how to speak English, I swiftly changed my mind … What’s been your biggest success so far? I was part of the committee for the 2019 Sapphire Ball in Ayr where we raised £10,000 for Alopecia UK and I am delighted to be part of the committee for the upcoming Rose Quartz Ball in aid of SAMH. When we’re not in the middle of a pandemic, what do you like to do in your free time? I love to travel and visit new countries. MP_Isla Stevenson MTRWhat is most important to you? Having fun, both at work and outside! Describe yourself in three words. Sociable, ambitious and organised. Now ask the last person you messaged to describe you in three words. Compassionate, kind and approachable. Tell us a fun fact about yourself. When I was playing in a violin quartet, I performed for Donald Trump.   Favourite film? Invictus Favourite singer / artist? John Mayer Favourite book? An American Marriage by Tayari Jones Favourite colour? Pink MP_Isla Stevenson MTRSun or snow? Sun Apple or android? Apple TikTok or Instagram? Instagram Tea or coffee? Tea
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