Accountancy Practice Exams: Study Series 4

Posted May 10 2019 By Fiona Ashcroft
 The morning of an exam can be an incredibly nerve-shredding time. No doubt you stayed up too late the night before, cramming in every last second of studying and barely slept for fear you should forget something overnight. In short, it’s not pleasant. Especially if you have been holding down a full-time job alongside your study programme. However, there are plenty of ways to ensure that the days runs as smoothly as possible. Here are my top tips for exam day. The Night Before Double check the exact address / room / building of your exam and work out how early you will need to leave to get there on time. You should aim to arrive approximately 30 minutes before the exam is due to start. Make up a pencil case of all the equipment you’ll need. Don’t forget lots of spare pens and pencils and pack any other relevant stationary (e.g. calculator or ruler). Bring a bottle of water with a sports cap too to keep you hydrated during the exam. Get a good night’s sleep. It might seem tempting to stay up till all hours hitting the books, but a lack of sleep could seriously hinder your exam performance. Set an alarm – you don’t want to sleep in! The Morning Of Get up in plenty of time to get ready and have something to eat. Make sure you have a healthy breakfast with slow-release energy (such as banana on toast). Double check that you have everything you need for the exam. Put on a watch so you’ll know how much time you have during the exam. En route Have a look over your notes in a calm manner. No sense getting yourself worked up just before you go in to the exam. Only do this for half your travel time. Spend the other half of your travel time doing something relaxing – listening to music or reading a book, for example. It won’t make you forget everything you’ve just learned, it will help you calm down. Once You Get There Locate the exam hall or room. Make a last minute trip to the bathroom so you don’t need to ask out of the exam. Leave all prohibited objects (e.g. mobile phone) in the designated place. As The Exam Starts Write your name on the paper – you’d be amazed at how many people forget to do this! Work out how much time you have to complete each section. Read each question at least twice. Good luck to all candidates sitting ATT, CTA and ICAS exams in May and ACCA exams in June. To get in touch with me to discuss opportunities in the Accountancy Practice market, click here.
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