Accountancy Practice Exams: Study Series 2

Posted May 3 2019 By Fiona Ashcroft
 If you are in the middle of sitting your ICAS or ACCA exams, chances are you may be feeling the pressure of juggling study time with being in work. We understand that there is a pressure to keep up with both work life and revision – it’s a time where even the mere thought of socialising tends to get put to one side in order to focus. But, as part of our study series, we have come up with some practical advice as to how to achieve the perfect work life and studying balance. It doesn’t take a lot of effort to get yourself organised. Simply follow our guide below. Good luck! Start early Don’t procrastinate! Start making a revision planner early to allow sufficient time to complete them in case of last-minute matters that happen along the way. Then you can always reshuffle your studying should something come up. Get organised Prepare a calendar for your studies and mark important deadlines. Set up a dedicated space to studying – and keep it clutter free. A tidy desk is a tidy mind. Manage your time Time is limited and valuable: allocate it usefully. Make sure you have specific defined times for study and leisure. Be disciplined and stick to these times to avoid feeling guilty for being away from your books. Set realistic goals Prioritise the more important studying topics. Make a list of things you’re least sure about and start with them. This way, you won’t feel like there’s a mountain to climb every time you dedicate time to studying. Practice self care Exercise, fresh air and a healthy diet are the perfect accompaniments to successful studying. Feeding your body junk food will lower your energy levels and concentrations. And don’t be afraid to take breaks to get outside – it will refresh you. Strike a good balance Don’t feel bad about taking time away from the books. Making the most of your leisure time can help you focus during your study time – and good productive studying can make it easier for you to enjoy your leisure time. Talk about it Keep your boss and team informed of your study and exam timetables as this will hopefully allow them some understanding as to your current pressurised and hectic schedule. Keep a positive mindset It has been said that sitting exams is simply a case of mind over matter. You may feel overwhelmed at times, but remember that others who have gone down the same path have succeeded, so there’s no reason why you can’t knock it out of the park either! Whilst there is no foolproof way to revise, it’s important to ensure that a healthy balance between working and studying. Good luck to all candidates sitting ATT, CTA and ICAS exams in May and ACCA exams in June. To get in touch with me to discuss opportunities in the Accountancy Practice market, click here.
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