Why Should You Move Jobs When You're Happy?

Posted March 14 2019 By Fiona Ashcroft
 When is the best time to make a career move? You might argue that the correct answer to that question is “never”. Changing jobs – whether you’re new to the market or have been in it for years – is a really unsettling time. You don’t know if there will be the same chat in the office; the same level of freedom; the same work ethos. I would argue that the best time to be job searching is not when you have to. In that case, there isn’t a choice in the matter – you simply need to find employment. For me, the best time to encourage a candidate to make the move is when they’re having a really great time at work. Consider this: You are exceeding expectations with your achievements; you’re well liked and performing well; you have plenty of opportunities on the cards for career progression. It all seems to be going to plan. So, why would you upset the apple cart with a move? Put simply, when things are going really well in your career, you are a more lucrative prospect for potential employers. The competition are always going to want to snap up the brightest and best talent from their rivals, and that might just be you. This also puts you in a great position for negotiation – be it salary, working hours or benefits – as you don’t feel forced into necessarily accepting the first offer on the table. You have time to reflect and weight things up against your current contract and workload. You’re also in a good mindset. You are not rushing to make a decision out of necessity. You have the luxury of being able to truly listen to what an employer has to offer in terms of overall package and progression. As a “hot ticket”, you are in control of the process. You have something – i.e. your soft and hard skills – that the competition want. As a result of this, you’re more likely to interview better. After all, you have nothing to lose. Whilst there will always be pre-interview nerves and you will want to be at the top of your game, it makes the process more explorational, as opposed to necessity. It’s every bit as much about you finding out if you would be just as happy and challenged elsewhere. Besides, as much as things are going well in your current role, that’s not to say that departments won’t merge; colleagues won’t leave; managers won’t reshuffle. So, wouldn’t it be better to get ahead of the game and see what else is out there? Within the Accountancy Practice market, there are plenty of opportunities available to talented candidates, particularly within the Audit and Tax sectors. If you would like to speak to me about potential career packages on offer, I would be happy to discuss your career confidentially. Click here to see my contact details.
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