Accountancy Practice Exams: Study Series 5

Posted May 20 2019 By Fiona Ashcroft
 For the past few weeks, I have been putting together blogs for all those Accountancy candidates working towards their exams. I’m sure it’s been no easy task juggling revision with working life. Deadlines – for both work and study – can be a challenge. I hope you’ve all managed to come through to the other side relatively unscathed by your experiences as you take the next step in your Accountancy career. Now that the dust has settled, and you can enjoy that post-exam glow, what happens next? Here are some good ideas as to how you can spend your exam-free time. Don’t over-analyse your performance The worst thing you can do is spend the weeks after your exams mulling over every last answer you gave. What is done is done – there is absolutely no point in stressing out over something you cannot change. As long as you revised properly, and gave it your best on the day, there isn’t much else you can do. You can’t focus on every last detail as it could prove distracting in your working life. Take time with your line manager You’ve probably been a bit stressed out at work during exam season. This is perfectly normal. You may have asked for extended deadlines or a lighter workload whilst you revise. Now that you are exam free, it is the perfect time to catch up with your manager and make a plan for the month ahead. Don’t throw yourself in to extra work to make up for any allowances you had – this will make you burnout. Instead, create deadlines and set up projects that will let you get back to your best. Set new goals Whether you want to progress within your current company, undertake more learning and training or perhaps move on with your career, now is as good a time as any to weigh up your options. Maybe sitting some exams has made you appreciate your current workload or perhaps it’s made you hungrier for a bigger challenge. You’ve overcome the hurdle of exams, what’s next for you? Treat yourself You’ve spent weeks revising and sitting exams whilst committing to a full-time job. No one deserves a treat more than you do. Reward yourself with a new gadget or a day trip – whatever makes you happy. No one would begrudge you a little post-exam comfort. Catch up on your social life You’ve probably neglected several nights out and TV boxsets while you’ve been studying. So, in the same way that you should treat yourself, you should also reclaim the social / entertainment aspects of your down time. You need to allow your brain to unwind and relax after all that hard work. Friends, family and Netflix will help you do that. Good luck to all candidates sitting ATT, CTA and ICAS exams in May and ACCA exams in June. If you need any advice on taking the next step in your career, click here to see my details.
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