Meet the Recruiter: Chivonne Gray

Posted April 25 2019 By Chivonne Gray
 Chivonne Gray Meet the RecruiterHow long have you been with HRC Recruitment? I have been with HRC Recruitment since September 2018, so just around seven months now. Time flies when you are having fun (and working hard)! What made you want to join? The company culture seems very supportive and everyone wants their colleagues to do well. What career path did you follow to get to your current role? I graduated from the university of Strathclyde in 2017 with a BA Hons in Politics & Law. I was also recently a candidate of HRC Recruitment and placed at my previous role. The office, unfortunately, closed and I was recommended to Cheryl Stobo. The rest is history. What was your dream job as a child?   I changed my mind quite often when I was younger. I remember always wanting to be a nurse, but I hated science. How do you commute to work? I get the bus, cheap and simple. What does a typical day look like? There is no typical day here at HRC, it varies so much dependent on what you are working on. I can be catching up with clients, speaking to and meeting candidates as well as CV formatting. The list goes on … What’s the best part of your job? It is varied and time flies by – no clock watching here. Describe the company culture here. The company culture is really great at HRC. All successes are celebrated, and the environment is very supportive and motivational. What’s been your biggest success so far? I would say my biggest success to date would’ve been making my first placement not long after joining the business! It was a great feeling. Chivonne Gray Meet the RecruiterWhat do you like to do in your free time? I go to the gym a lot, I enjoy spin, yoga and I do a weekly PT. I also like to go to the cinema and dinner with my boyfriend as well as spending time with friends and family. Have you been on holiday this year? If so, where? Considering it is only April, I am lucky to say that I have been on holiday to Miami for new year. It was amazing and nice to get some winter sun. I have also been to Spain to celebrate my grans 80th and I’m hoping to go on some trips with my boyfriend. What is most important to you? I know everyone says the same, but my family, friends and boyfriend are so important to me. My professional and career development is also important, I’ve worked hard to get to where I am today and long may it continue! Describe yourself in three words. Friendly, approachable and fun.
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