Meet the Recruiter: Charles Burnell

Posted August 25 2021 By Charlie Burnell
 What made you want to join HRC Recruitment? When I came out of university, the world was very different to what many other graduates had experienced in the past. There wasn’t a stable job market, grad jobs available anywhere, and no ability to secure any experience. I found myself stuck, not knowing where I wanted to go and what I wanted to do as a result of the circumstances, but one thing always stuck with me. I was always told, by friends and family, to get myself a job that involved talking with others. It was always the side of life that I enjoyed, talking about, and getting to know people. Having travelled and lived abroad in the past, I’ve met and gotten to know so many people from different walks of life and I wanted to put myself in a role that allowed me to do that on a daily basis, whilst also helping people who were going through the same difficulties I did. I came across HRC and was immediately hooked. The values, culture, and message HRC stood behind were everything I believed in. I immediately realised that they cared about their services and cared about me throughout the entire hiring process, from start to finish. I realised that this was where I wanted to be, with a group of like-minded individuals who were sociable, believed in the same values and most importantly, wanted to help people. What career path did you follow before getting into recruitment? Prior to HRC (and COVID) I was living the student life… basement flats, leaky pipes, and cheap pints, what more could you want! I was studying Business Management at Strathclyde University and enjoyed every moment of it. I spent 4 months living in Copenhagen as a part of the Erasmus programme where I studied at Copenhagen Business School, which was also an amazing experience! I had a few part-time jobs during Uni, from bartending to administration and working at Belladrum Music Festival. What was your dream job as a child?  My dream job as a child was, and remains to be to this day, to be a famous guitarist! MP_MTR Charles BurnellWhat’s been your biggest success so far? My biggest achievement to date was climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. In 2019 I travelled to Tanzania to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in aid of the charity Dig Deep, which provides clean water, sanitation training and sanitary products to schools across Kenya. I spent roughly 10 months raising £3,000 to take part in this once-in-a-lifetime experience through events such as pub golf and bake sales. Climbing Kilimanjaro was something that forever changed my perspective on life. The trek was mentally and physically draining. Having to focus on so many different and unpredictable factors from acclimatisation and altitude sickness to remaining mentally determined and everything in between all made the trip so much more challenging and rewarding. Having made it to the top, seeing the world from a completely different angle, all whilst helping give back really, is something I will forever cherish and never forget. When we’re not in the middle of a pandemic, what do you like to do in your free time? Travelling! I love travelling whenever and wherever I can! I’ve been fortunate enough to backpack Morocco with my girlfriend, visit Greece, live in Ukraine and Copenhagen and travel to Tanzania. I hope once travel restrictions are lifted, I can go exploring again! I love playing guitar and making music and playing sports, primarily basketball! What is most important to you? Family and friends. They’re definitely the most important things to me. Realising how many friends and family I haven’t been able to see and do things with because of the pandemic has made me cherish every moment I get with them. Describe yourself in three words. Determined, Positive and Funny. Now ask the last person you messaged to describe you in three words. Kind, Thoughtful and Loyal. Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I am double-jointed in my left thumb and … I have never seen Star Wars.   MP_MTR Charles BurnellFavourite film? The Green Mile Favourite singer / artist? Mac Miller Favourite book? The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Favourite colour? Green Sun or snow? Sun Apple or android? Apple TikTok or Instagram? Instagram Tea or coffee? Coffee … I am definitely addicted.
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