Why Now Is A Good Time to Move Jobs

Posted October 25 2021 By Charlie Burnell
 I’ll forgive you if you’re a little cynical about a blog from a recruitment consultant encouraging you to consider a new job. I understand that. But we never move people who we can tell aren’t fully sold on a particular role. It’s never about “bums on seats” for us because – ultimately – we’ll end up having to refill a role if a candidate changes their mind. So it doesn’t ever make sense to force the issue. More than that, we understand that moving jobs is a really big deal and potentially quite scary. You’re leaving behind colleagues who have become friends, a routine that you’re used to and work that you have performed well with. And you’re swapping all of that for … the great unknown. Or at least, the relatively unknown since you’re recruiter and interviewers should have given you full scope of what you can expect in your new role. As our blogs have noted, we are working in candidate short markets right now. So, why is now as good a time as any to move jobs? Read on … Investment in further learning During the pandemic, many businesses realised that they had to adapt quickly in order to survive. This meant, in a lot of cases, investment in learning and development opportunities for employees. This investment continues to this day – business leaders want to have the best teams who are equipped to deal with whatever comes next. So you may well find yourself with the chance to undertake a course or participate in new training. Building your network Not only will you be meeting new colleagues but potentially some new clients and connections, too. This is a great way to build up your network and enhance your sector knowledge – especially since full on, in person events are still not quite in full swing yet. Increasing salaries and packages It’s no secret that there is a real talent shortage right now and many businesses are willing to increase salaries in order to attract the best candidates. Whilst we can’t promise a massive salary jump – or any increase at all – it’s good to do your research and find out which companies are offering the best overall package. Think about things beyond salary, too, such as wellbeing services, pensions and development opportunities. Greater flexible options Many of us haven’t set foot in an office for quite some time and this has allowed many businesses to realise that they don’t actually need people to be in one set location all day in order for them to perform well. Many businesses are now offering remote and flexible working solutions – whether that’s certain days at home or less rigid hours. Challenge yourself Many people – when they have been in the same role for a long period of time – joke that they could do their job in their sleep. Is this a good thing? Introducing yourself to a new environment, new people and a new way of doing things could be the challenge that you need. New things are always stimulating and can make you remember why you love your sector. If you are interested in a move within the Accountancy & Finance Public Practice sector, I’d be delighted to have a confidential discussion as to available opportunities. Click here to drop me an email and get in touch.
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