Meet the Recruiter: Bora Kesal

Posted September 15 2021 By Bora Kesal
 What made you want to join HRC Recruitment? As someone without a business background, I wanted an opportunity that would expose me to a lot of different commercial sectors which would allow me to learn loads and immerse myself totally in professional life. I also wanted something that would challenge me on a daily basis; for me personally, that’s what tends to push me to exceed myself. From that starting point, HRC’s culture stood out from a mile away so I had no hesitation applying. Throughout the process I was struck by the warmth and sincerity I felt from everyone here; it felt as if I specifically was wanted. What career path did you follow before getting into recruitment? Originally, I wanted to follow up my degree by going into academia but I realised that this wouldn’t offer the daily dose of excitement I was craving in a job. So, after university, I spent a bit of time dabbling in start ups as a copywriter before landing a job as product specialist for the North Face. That led me to HRC. What was your dream job as a child? I remember having my heart set on being a stunt man working for a big movie company. Jumping off buildings, high speed car chases and diving away from explosions… nothing excited 10-year-old me more. What’s been your biggest success so far? It’s a terrible cliche but probably my degree classification. There haven’t been many other moments where I had such a profound feeling of satisfaction; the feeling of years and years of hard work paying off and instantly justifying all the hard parts. Immensely rewarding. MP_Bora MTRWhen we’re not in the middle of a pandemic, what do you like to do in your free time? Running keeps me sane, books keep me happy, film and music keep me entertained. What is most important to you? The unstoppable march of human progress … Nah, just kidding. Happiness and equality – that’s really all that matters in life. Describe yourself in three words. Moral, curious and friendly. Now ask the last person you messaged to describe you in three words. Creative, amiable and diligent. Tell us a fun fact about yourself. Between the ages of 14 and 16, I was top 200 in the entire world for Guitar Hero - talk about a valuable use of time! My mum disagreed though …   Favourite film? No Country for Old Men or One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. Favourite singer / artist? Sonic Youth or Pavement. Favourite book? Catch 22 by Joseph Heller or Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut. Favourite colour? Mint green. MP_Bora MTRSun or snow? Tough one! It depends on context but probably snow. Apple or android? Got to be android, I like an underdog! TikTok or Instagram? Neither! Tea or coffee? I can’t function without coffee so it’s got to be that. Oh and coffee should be scalding hot whether it’s winter or summer!  
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