Why Sustainability Should Be On Your Menu

Posted March 4 2022 By Amie Wardrop
 Ever since COP26 arrived in Glasgow last year, sustainability has been the word on everyone’s lips. Whether you are looking to make small changes at home, or bigger changes as part of a business, we have all realised that we have to start doing “our bit” on a more consistent level. This could present several challenges to the hospitality industry, not least on the issue of food waste. So, could a sustainable menu or seasonal eating be the answer? That doesn’t necessarily mean scrapping your entire menu at present or opting to deliver a different kind of cuisine. It could just be a case of considering things like:
  • Using local and / or organic suppliers
  • Using seasonal ingredients
  • Growing some of your own ingredients (such as vegetables, fruits or herbs)
  • Adjusting portions sizes to limit food waste
And, whilst there might be an adjustment period while you put some or all of these practices into place, the benefits will far outweigh any initial teething problems. Here are just some of the positives of thinking sustainably in your food business. Reduce Operating Costs It’s really simple. If you’re not throwing away lots of food, you’re going to be saving on costs. But, more than that, you’ll also be reducing your operating costs across the board. Because, if you’re not overbuying, you don’t need as much cold storage space. And, if you’re not cooking or prepping too much food, you’re also not keeping the gas on for longer than necessary. So, there’s reductions and savings to be made all round. Values That Align with Colleagues and Customers People want to work for companies whose values align with their own. So, if you’re committed to sustainable practices, you’ll automatically be a more attractive prospective employer to potential hires. And, if you attract good people to your business, you may well reduce staff turnover, too. Your customers also want to know that their date night or catch up with friends isn’t doing too much damage, either. Meaning that – if you practice what you preach – you may just find yourself with an uptake in customers, too. Encouraging Others If you talk about your new and improved levels of sustainability in your marketing (i.e. your social channels), you may well encourage other businesses to do the same. It’s not about boasting, it’s about making people aware that there are options out there to create a more environmentally friendly business offering. Doing Your Bit for the Planet It’s so obvious it almost isn’t worth mentioning but small changes makes a big difference. Ditching the plastic takeaway containers, using local suppliers or creating a menu with a small carbon footprint will make a lasting impact on our environment. It has been a tough couple of years for the Hospitality industry and the road to recovery continues to look uncertain. However, making small and, often, low cost changes such as these could make a huge difference to your bottom line … and the planet. What’s not to love? If you’d like to speak to me about hiring within the Hospitality industry, I’d be delighted to discuss the many talented and qualified candidates that I could bring to your business. Click here to get in touch.  
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