Are You Ready For Management in Payroll?

Posted May 24 2021 By Ashlene McFadden
 There comes a point in many people’s careers where they feel they are ready to take the next step and pursue a promotion in to a managerial role. It’s an important decision, not to be taken lightly. Alongside a higher salary and perhaps greater perks comes more responsibility and pressure. How will the leap from payroll administrator to payroll manager affect your day-to-day? Like any job role, there are pros and cons. Do you take the leap internally or seek promotion elsewhere? Are you ready to delegate and to manage a team of people and their needs? There are so many important questions you must ask yourself before you decide to pursue promotion. Here is a list of things you should consider to decide whether or not you are ready for a managerial role within payroll. You have experience coaching others Perhaps a new employee, a temp worker or someone on work experience joined your team. Did you help to set out a schedule of work and help them to understand your company’s payroll software? Then maybe you are ready to do this on a bigger scale, and be able to coach your team to meet deadlines and get to grips with any technical developments within the job. You are able to delegate An important part of management is not taking on the workload of an entire team all by yourself. You have to be able to successfully divide a workload between your team, and play to each individual’s strengths. If you think you could delegate tasks accurately and fairly, you could be good management material. You’re willing to make hard decisions Sometimes, you have to take one for the team. If you think you are able to rationally and efficiently make really hard decisions – even ones affecting the job security of your team members – then you should consider making the move in to management. Strategic thinking is a key skill of senior roles. You can keep calm under pressure Payroll, as you are no doubt aware, is an extremely deadline driven industry. Are you able to keep your team working accurately and swiftly to meet these deadlines? Would you be willing to pitch in if necessary? It’s important to be able to juggle several tasks at once without becoming stressed out or making rash decisions. You have excellent relationship-building skills Not only will you need to have a good relationship with your team members, but you will need to be able to communicate effectively with other senior members of staff and perhaps even be able to network outwith the business. Possessing good people skills is at the heart of any modern job, but is even more essential at a senior level where you will be expected to host meetings, and even presentations, more frequently. You already go above and beyond If you already find yourself putting in the extra work, you deserve the recognition for it. If you’re genuinely passionate about the company you work for, and show this through solving problems or taking on extra projects, this will no doubt get you noticed. We’re not saying you have to take on an enormous workload or spend your entire night at the office, often it can be the little things (such as noticing a quicker way to perform a task) that can be appreciated. You’re willing to be held accountable Sometimes, things go wrong. It’s a fact of life in any business. A detail is missed, a number is mistyped, a deadline isn’t met. Are you willing – as the face of your team – to hold your hands up and admit to any mistakes made? You are able to motivate It’s a Wednesday afternoon, there is a heap of work to do and, quite frankly, your team are flagging. How do you get the very best out of these individuals to ensure that deadlines are met and those who rely on you for their payroll aren’t left wanting? If you already gently encourage your fellow employees, why not do it on a more senior level? You understand the business as a whole Another important element of being in a senior role is understanding the business and your market as a whole, not just your role. So, if you like to hear about training or legal developments within the payroll industry and are truly knowledgeable about the different departments within your company and how they function, you should consider utilising this passion in a managerial position. You are a professional Personal excellence must be the standard. If you strive for a high standard of work, communication and dress code from yourself, it will filter down to your team. It’s about being courteous and approachable as well as strong and decisive. If you are a payroll administrator and would like to take your career to the next level, I would love to discuss your options for stepping into a managerial position. Click here to drop me an email and we can have a confidential chat.
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