New Year, New Temp Role?

Posted January 14 2019 By hradm
 Since we’ve all gone back to work, there are three things that almost inevitable. You’ve promised yourself you’ll stop raiding the tins of Quality Street leftover from Christmas; you’re already eyeing up sunnier climes for the Summer months; you’ve decided that *this* is the year you get a new job. I can’t really help you with the first two of those resolutions, but I am already speaking to a host of Office Services candidates who – through choice or an unfortunate pre-Christmas redundancy - are ready to make the change with their career. Whether you’ve been in a job for one year or ten years, however, a move can seem daunting. Will the people be as nice? Will you get the perks and benefits you’re used to? What is the office like? These can all be big factors in your decision-making process. That’s why becoming a temp can be really useful. This gives you time, as an attractive prospect, to think about what it really is you want to do next. It’s a nice “trial period” within a particular workplace and a regular source of income. Temporary work often allows for the transition between different sectors of business – say, from FMCG to legal; accountancy to HR – that full-time work doesn’t always lend itself to. This wealth of experience gives you the chance to gain well-rounded view of the working world, having successfully been employed in many different environments. You will still be able to job search whilst keeping a hand in at your specific skill set. It gives an employer a chance to see how you work and how well you blend into their existing workforce. Some of my temp candidates even find themselves being offered permanent roles, such is the impression they’ve made. And, if permanent work is your long-term goal, taking on a temporary contract can be a great way to keep your skills refreshed and your CV up-to-date. It will keep you up to speed with any developments in your chosen sector and perhaps give you the chance to develop your skillset – something you can add to your CV with pride. Temping is an incredibly flexible way of working. You are in control of your career and it’s far easier to take career breaks and fit your job around your life than the traditional 9 to 5. Many candidates, in fact, make an entire career out of temp positions as they enjoy being able to pick and choose their next contract. The recruitment process at temp level – whilst quicker – is no less bespoke. I will always ensure that my candidates are placed in an environment that matches their needs and their skills set. If January is the month that you decide to take on a new challenge, I’d be delighted to help you secure an interesting temporary assignment. Whether your long-term goals have changed or you are looking for new experiences, click here to get in touch for a discussion on the Office Services roles that I am currently working on.
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