Sixty Seconds With ... Pamela Drennan

Posted October 26 2018 By hradm
 Pamela Drennan 60 Seconds WithDescribe your job in no more than five words. Fun, fast, rewarding, stressful. Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I haven’t missed a menu at Six By Nico! If you had to compare yourself to an animal, which one would it be and why? A bird - I have done a 10,000ft skydive. What is the best thing about working at HRC? The culture – it’s so supportive and positive. What is your biggest achievement as a recruiter? I feel my biggest achievement is still to come. I am so proud of the really strong client and candidate relationships I have made so far in my career, helping clients grow their business and getting to know my candidates so well that they often pop into the office with coffee and sweets to keep us all going! Describe yourself in three words … Fun, honest, a wee bit clumsy! … Now ask the colleague to your left to describe you in three words. Funny, clumsy, team player. Can you tell us about your most embarrassing moment? Nope!! Do you have any phobias? Yes – I hate spiders and odd numbers! Who is your celebrity crush? Ryan Reynolds. Favourite film? So many … Matilda or The Fifth Element. Favourite singer / artist? Very eclectic taste – I don’t have favourites – everything from Kylie to Muse! Favourite book? Does OK magazine count? Pamela Drennan 60 Seconds WithFavourite colour? Black, it goes with everything! Sun or snow? Both – I love a slushie. Apple or android? Apple. Facebook or Instagram? Facebook. Tea or coffee? Oooh … I like coffee in the morning and tea at night. Text or call? Call. Night in or night out? Night in.  
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