Sixty Seconds With ... Jackie Shields

Posted October 22 2018 By hradm
 Jackie S 60 SecondsDescribe your job in no more than five words. Where did the time go? Tell us a fun fact about yourself. I travel all over the world on my own. If you had to compare yourself to an animal, which one would it be and why? Dog, when I’m fed and well rested, I am happiest. What is the best thing about working at HRC? The people, I have made friends for life in this company. What is your biggest achievement as a recruiter? Winning rookie of the year 2017 (YASS!) Describe yourself in three words … Loud, fun, loving. … Now ask the colleague to your left to describe you in three words. Fun, approachable, hardworking. Can you tell us about your most embarrassing moment? Where do I start? Do you have any phobias? Spiders, heights, flying. Who is your celebrity crush? Anthony Joshua, Jason Momoa, Idris Elba. Favourite film? Braveheart Favourite singer / artist? Lana del Rey Favourite book? I don’t read Favourite colour? I like blue Jackie S 60 SecondsSun or snow? Sun Apple or android? Apple Facebook or Instagram? Facebook Tea or coffee? Coffee (x 7 when working in recruitment, and that’s just the morning!) Text or call? Text Night in or night out? Night out  
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