Meet The Recruiter: Nikki McCarron

Posted October 15 2018 By hradm
 Nikki McCarron Office Services RecruiterHow long have you been with HRC Recruitment? I have been with HRC since August. What made you want to join? Before leaving my previous role, I spoke to a lot of people as I didn’t want to make another bad move. A lot of people I look up to recommended HRC. I also know a few great recruiters who work for HRC, and they told me such good things. Plus, HRC seem to be taking the market by storm at the moment! I wanted to become part of that. What career path did you follow to get to your current role? I became a mum fairly young at the age of 20. I had no qualifications, so I decided there and then that I needed a career to ensure financial security for my daughter and me. I had a great eight years climbing the ranks within the Banking industry and soon realised how good I was at selling and relationship building. When offered an opportunity to become a recruiter, I grabbed it. It has been an exciting yet turbulent four years - most certainly eye opening! Now here I am at HRC, working with fantastic people, and excited for my future. What was your dream job as a child?   A vet, because I love animals. How do you commute to work? I drive to the station then get the train from there. What does a typical day look like? I am still finding my feet but I am getting there quickly with so much going on on my desk already. My days are jam packed, from building up my candidates to creating and building new client relationships. The days and weeks are flying in. The last two months have gone by so fast, but I am loving the buzz of being so busy! What’s the best part of your job? The variety, the pace and, of course, the people. Describe the company culture here. Supportive and friendly. Nikki McCarron Office Services RecruiterWhat’s been your biggest success so far? Personally, it’s being a successful working single mum and raising my daughter. Also, studying whilst working full time and gaining my CIPD qualification just recently. With HRC, it’s got to be placing both a temp and a perm person in my first month. What do you like to do in your free time? I love spending time with my nearest and dearest. I enjoy eating so like to eat out quite often. I also love live music - I would go to a gig every weekend if I could. Have you been on holiday this year? If so, where? I’ve only been on a couple of city breaks this year, with Amsterdam being my favorite. I’ve also got a trip to Turkey planned and Benidorm for a long weekend at the end of November. What is most important to you? Definitely my family and close friends, it’s a small unit that mean the world to me. Having good working relationships with my colleagues at work. As well as doing well in my job. Lastly, having fun and making memories. Life is short, I like to live and love it! Describe yourself in three words. Outgoing, determined and spontaneous (I can be quite impulsive).  
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