Meet The Recruiter: Rebecca McGonigle

Posted September 10 2018 By hradm
 Rebecca McGonigle RecruiterHow long have you been with HRC Recruitment? Today marks my third month surviving recruitment. What made you want to join? A close family friend of mine works in recruitment and had told me I’d make a great recruiter. When I was coming to the end of my studies, I considered a few avenues to go down. Recruitment was something that really appealed to me. The variety of the job and the social aspect of recruitment was what sold it for me. In addition to this, the fact you get out what you put into the role excites me - it promotes hard work and success. What career path did you follow to get to your current role? I joined the company as a graduate. Throughout university I worked part time in the cosmetics industry. What was your dream job as a child?  I wanted to be a singer / actress. I LOVED Sophie Ellis Bextor when I was young and wanted to be just like her! I went to drama schools as a child and loved being on stage. How do you commute to work? I get the train straight into Glasgow. What does a typical day look like? I’m quickly discovering in a recruiter’s life, no two days look the same. That’s why I love this job! There is so much variety in the day from dealing with clients and meeting candidates. It can be hectic but a lot of fun. What’s the best part of your job? I would say the people. Everyone at HRC have welcomed me and helped me develop. Meeting candidates is always exciting, and recruiting is such a social job. Describe the company culture here. It’s so much better than I anticipated. This is my first full time job, so I was apprehensive and didn’t know what to expect. But we have great company culture and you can feel the positivity in the office. Rebecca McGonigle RecruiterWhat’s been your biggest success so far? At this stage, I’m growing week by week so small things to other people are massive to me. Making my first placement was an amazing feeling! It was on my fourth Friday at HRC and I went out to celebrate after. I think when you make you first placement you get a taste for it and you want to place all the time. What do you like to do in your free time? Since I’ve started working full time my weekends look very different. For years, I spent every Saturday and Sunday working at a cosmetics counter. This was something, although I loved it, I found it consumed my weekend. Now, I spend most of my free time socialising with friends. In addition to this, I’m really interested in cosmetics. I still love doing make up appointments freelance on the weekends for some of my clients from my last job. Have you been on holiday this year? If so, where? I went to Amsterdam in February. I am also planning Dubai for later in the year for some winter sun. What is most important to you (this can either be personally or professionally)? I always try to maintain a positive attitude. My friends and family often joke that I’m so laid back, I’m horizontal! I just think optimism and positivity is key to a happy life and I try to remember that when I think I’m having a bad day. It’s important to remember that a bad day doesn’t have to be a bad week if you have a positive outlook. Describe yourself in three words. Optimist, ambitious and gullible.  
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