Top 3 Tips for a Good Candidate Experience

Posted June 28 2019 By hradm
 Here at HRC, we understand that a job hunt is a fickle and frustrating experience. We know that you’ve probably sent out thousands of CVs and didn’t get a single response. We know that there are some days you’ve stared blankly at your computer praying for an email. We’ve been there ourselves. That’s why we offer a truly candidate-focused service when it comes to turning your job search in to secure employment. We’d like to think that we build up such a good relationship with our candidates that they keep coming back to us to be placed throughout their career. We may have found you a role as an office junior, but who knows where that may lead? We believe we make the candidate experience as pleasant and painless as possible by following these three simple guidelines. Setting realistic expectations We won’t promise you a £60k salary or a CFO position if your CV says that’s not what you’re equipped to do. We also won’t guarantee you an interview every day or a job within a set amount of time. What we do is this: We send your CV out on spec, we will put you forward for suitable positions and we will open your eyes to potential avenues of recruitment you may not have otherwise considered. We will prepare you thoroughly for interviews and offer as much advice and insight as we can about a company. We won’t misinform you or force you into a rash decision. Most importantly, we won’t push you towards a job we know you’ll hate. Keeping in touch Even if it’s bad news, we’d much rather be up front with you than keep you in the dark. We understand that a job search can be an isolating experience, so having someone at the other end of the phone or email is reassuring. We will also give you as much feedback as we can from any interviews or assessments we put you forward for. We know from our own experiences that there’s nothing worse than feeling like you’ve done well in an interview then not hearing anything back. We’re not faceless recruiters throwing your CV into a pile. We’re people with feelings, too! When we successfully place you, we’ll also check in to see how you are settling in because that’s equally important to us. Nurturing the relationship Like we said, we’d like to think that we build up such a good rapport with you the first time you contact us that you will consider us at later dates in your career. Maybe we helped you get your first job and now you’re looking for more qualifications or a different path altogether. We can advise you. We’re consultants and sounding boards. Sometimes the best job opportunities come along when you aren’t even looking so we’ll always keep your skills set in mind when something really exciting comes our way. We want to be a reliable port of call for all our candidates throughout their working lives. If you would like to speak to me about your job search, I’d be happy to discuss your CV and all of the roles I currently have available. Click here to see my details and get in touch.  
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