Why My Clients Love Temp Candidates

Posted May 24 2019 By hradm
 In these uncertain political times – I won’t mention the “B” word – taking on extra employees may seem like too much of a risk. You may want to keep a tight lid on your headcount until external factors settle down. The reality is that the day-to-day of business keeps ploughing on and everyday life continues. This means that your employees will still look for new employment; they will still require parental leave; they will get sick; and they will book a holiday. So – whether you’re at the cutting edge of manufacturing or in a busy city centre office – you may well still find yourself with a bit of a skills gap. And this is where many of my clients opt to bring in a temp worker. Temps are very highly skilled individuals who can step in at the last minute to resolve your recruiting crisis. Here are just some of the reasons my clients choose to employ them: Candidates are flexible to your business needs If you have deadlines to meet and you’re facing a skills shortage, a temp worker will (more often than not) be able to start and end their contract whenever suits your business. This means that you can employee them for a day, a week or a month, depending on what you require. There is no notice period and no garden leave to serve and they can finish up as soon as the work is done. It covers a skills gap Temp workers don’t need to be trained up; they are often experts in their field. So, if you need someone to come in to your business with a niche skills set, temp candidates are the answer. They are highly adaptable employees who aren’t phased by big projects or a new environment. They can prevent your existing employees from taking on any extra work which might stall their own schedules. It’s a straightforward recruitment process As a client, all you have to do is pick up the phone to us. We will screen and interview your temps, as well as processing their payroll and holidays. You won’t have the paperwork of a regular recruitment process and we will keep in touch with the candidate to ensure things are running smoothly. Candidates can meet an immediate need Your receptionist has phoned in sick and you have a delegate of clients touring your office tomorrow. Who will take on the front-of-house duties? An experienced temp, of course. Many of our candidates are able to meet a twenty-four hour turnaround need in order to step in at the last minute. This absolutely saves your business any unnecessary hassle. It can be a ‘try before you buy’ placement This type of recruitment offers employers the opportunity to evaluate the new workers in action, without the financial commitment of a permanent job offer. You’ll have the chance to see how well they work in your team, so you should be in a good place to make an offer. It also offers the workers the chance to evaluate if the company and the job is right for them as well. If you’re looking for a temp to cover summer holidays, long term sickness or maternity leave, we are confident we can help you make a positive placement. Click here to get in touch with me.  
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