The Importance of Back Office Employees

Posted June 10 2019 By hradm
 They say that the key to a successful office support function is that you don’t notice how hard and how well they are working unless something goes wrong. And, it’s true. You don’t always notice who put that document on your desk – bound and laminated – or who ensures that the company stationary cupboard is always full. But you would notice if you didn’t have a pen to write with or letters weren’t being sent out. Often, the recruitment process for more junior roles is not met with the same amount of urgency as more senior roles. And yet, the wrong hire – or worse, no hire – could have a massive impact on your business. Entry level or graduate candidates are a real value add to most businesses, although it can be difficult to assess this, since most of the projects they undertake go “unseen”. Think of the swan, sweeping graciously across the water – these candidates are the legs, paddling furiously underwater to keep everything looking calm on the surface. There is so much a company can gain from taking the time to hire stand out support staff. You can upskill these candidates to be flexible enough to work across your business as a whole (meaning if their career goals change, you don’t have to lose the candidate). You will also find yourself with a dedicated candidate, appreciative of the opportunity and ready to take their career seriously. Candidates will typically be keen to learn as much as possible, gain a good oversight of the business and develop their levels of responsibility. And, in such candidate short markets, what’s not to love about a keen, dedicated employee who will grow and evolve with your business. It’s a win-win situation. That being said, recruiting for these roles can, in some cases, take a little more time. Often, the more experienced candidates come to me having spent their entire career with only one or two firms. That can impact how your hiring manager conducts an interview process or looks at their CV. However, as I get to know my candidates – what motivates them and what they are looking for from their careers – I always ensure that I put forward someone who would not only perform their job well but would also be a great personality fit for my clients. Currently, I recruit for permanent, contract and interim roles up to Part Qualified level across Scotland, specialising in transactional accountancy candidates. If you would like to speak to me about hiring excellent talent within the Accountancy & Finance market, I’d be delighted to have a confidential chat – whether you’re looking to make a hire now, or in the future. Click here to see my details and get in touch.
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