Why is it so Difficult to Make a Career Move in HR?

Posted August 20 2019 By Andy Brady
 If you find yourself on the market within the HR industry, you may feel overwhelmed by choice. There are so many different companies, within so many different industries … So, how do you find the right one for you? Finding a new role can be tough, right? But why is it so difficult to find that next step when, in reality, HR is HR - whether you work in a bank or a manufacturing business. We all tend to cover the same issues which deal with the people in our organisations; it’s a cradle to grave thing. We hire, we fire and everything in between, dealing with the whole employee life-cycle. Having worked in the HR recruitment market for more years than I would like to admit, I have been witness to a few career mistakes. Too many times, I have had the call from some of the most amazing HR candidates to say they have got that ‘dream job’ with a specific company, knowing that the culture there won’t be a fit or that the role has previously been a revolving door. Wishing them all the best, I expect to get the “I've made a mistake” call some months later. So why is it so difficult to get it right? Why have so many people got it so wrong in the past? Sometimes, it is so easy to get over excited about the new perks attached to a potential job offer without taking the time to work out if the ‘fit’ is there. We can end up going with the flow during the interview process and get lost in the excitement of seeing ourselves applying our own way of working in a new role - forgetting that there is a company culture to contend with when we arrive. So, what does it all boil down to? A bad company or a bad culture? A bad role or a bad candidate fit? The old saying goes, “one man's meat is another man's poison”. There are some organisations that you would be the ideal fit for, whilst other candidates would struggle to flourish there. Working with a good consultant is key; someone who can be the third party, giving you impartial advice on the role you are applying for. It’s important to engage with someone who can give you the warts and all view about a role; the organisation's culture and how HR is perceived within that business. Some candidates decide that they want to accept the challenge, but at least they are going in with their eyes wide open. If you are looking to make a move, talk to a recruiter you can trust to take the time to understand you. I work with each candidate knowing that I am dealing with people lives. When we are placing them in this new role, we cannot afford to not get it right. Find a recruiter who cares about getting it right - one who you can treat as a career coach to give you the right advice, and one who you can trust to have your best interests at heart. Oh, and if they were to say that role is not right for you, don't be upset or angry they are not putting you forward. Instead, be satisfied they are looking after your interests. If you would like to speak to me about a career move at the senior end of the Scottish HR market, I’d be delighted to have a confidential chat. Get in touch: 0141 353 8387 / abrady@hrcrecruitment.co.uk  
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