Posted March 28 2018
By Karen Keenan

Recruitment is an incredibly people orientated business; every day I speak to or meet with new candidates, ready to take the next step in their career. There is no better way to help a candidate achieve their goals than by really taking the time to talk to them; to get to know what they want to do next and – equally important – what they don’t want to do.
That’s why it is so important that all my candidates fully participate in each stage of the recruitment process – so I can ensure that I am pointing them in the right direction, armed with all the right information. I completely understand that a job search can be long and frustrating, and the temptation to give up half way through can be overwhelming. Candidates can and do drop out at various stages in the process. That is natural. However, it is absolutely crucial that – if you do intend on doing so – that you let your recruiter know.
Unfortunately, I have had candidates “disappear” at various stages in their job search. Some fail to show for their initial registration with me; don’t answer the call for a telescreen; neglect to turn up for their interview; and, worst of all, simply do not appear on their scheduled first day. This can be incredibly frustrating to both recruiters and businesses alike. Essentially, it is a waste of time for everyone involved – including the candidates, if you’ve gone to the bother of registering, filling in forms and going to interview.
With so many methods of communication available these days – here at HRC, we offer a WhatsApp Click to Chat service to our candidates – it is unfair to not answer calls, emails or texts. It also really doesn’t inspire a good impression of yourself if you fail to turn up at your allotted time, no matter what stage of your job search you happen to be at.
Within the Contact Centre market, these meetings are crucial as it allows me to put together all the compliance forms you will need to have signed before starting a position. To not show up effectively rules you out of securing a role and it could also prevent someone else from getting an opportunity by taking up an allocated time slot. Rightfully, candidates expect a level of service from ourselves but then fail to reciprocate that respect by not turning up or answering calls.
Moreover, it will make us question your validity as a candidate. How can we put you forward for job interviews, never mind a secure position, if you’ve already not shown up to registration or failed to answer a call for a telescreen? It doesn’t exactly position you in the best light as a candidate.
Recruitment agencies aren’t purely transactional units – we love chatting to people and getting to know them. It’s the only way we can really do our jobs well. We have to be in contact with our candidates and our clients to ensure the best possible match.
I have a number of Contact Centre roles currently available. Not a part of the HRC Recruitment network? I’d love to have you register as a candidate to establish a great working relationship in order to help you on your career path.
Click here to see my details and get in touch.