Meet the Recruiter - Liam Boyd

Posted June 9 2023 By Liam Boyd

What made you want to join HRC Recruitment?

Career development and company culture. It sounds like a yoghurt advert but my cohorts are all superb.

What career path did you follow before getting into recruitment?

I was a pensions consultant. I’m glad to have left that behind, if I’m being truly honest.

What was your dream job as a child?

I wanted to be a film composer.

What’s been your biggest success so far?

Working with household names on retained recruitment assignments - from VPZ to Whyte and Mackay to Arnold Clark.

What do you like to do in your free time?

Getting the Munros in and watching the football.

What is most important to you?

If you can’t have a laugh while you’re working, you’re probably not in the right place.

Describe yourself in three words.

Easy-going, considerate and determined.

Now ask the last person you messaged to describe you in three words.

Ambitious, an old soul, genuine.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself.

I was once 67th in the world at FIFA … Basically saying I played far too much of it.


Favourite film?

Glengarry Glen Ross

Favourite singer / artist?

Bob Dylan

Favourite book?

Big Sur by Jack Kerouac

Favourite colour?


Sun or snow?


Apple or android?


TikTok or Instagram?


Tea or coffee?



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