How to Move From Temporary to Permanent Roles

Posted March 27 2023 By Olivia McDonald

Perhaps you have been working temporary or contract roles most recently in your career. But now you’ve decided it’s time to make the leap and start applying for permanent roles. I’ve had lots of candidates in this position and many of them share the same hopes and fears.

Many of them worry that having lots of short-term, temporary positions on their CV is going to turn an employer off. However, with the right recruiter coaching you through the process, there is absolutely no reason why you cannot make the transition from temporary to permanent.

Yes, it’s a mindset shift, but here’s how I approach it with my candidates:

Use your network (and your recruiter)

If you are registered with an agency has a temp, have you spoken to your recruiter about your desire to look into permanent roles? They won’t put you forward for one if they don’t know that it’s something you want. So be very clear about the kind of work you’d be interested in – right down to the industry and level. And, if there is anyone within your network who has successfully gone from temp to perm, ask them for advice and pointers, too.

Being prepared for interview

A good recruiter will prepare you thoroughly for your interview. You may be worried about a potential employer asking you about your work experience to date or why you’re making the move from temp to perm. However, your recruiter will give you tips as to how to best answer these questions in a way that reflects your skill set and dedication. Be proud of your temporary assignments and everything you have achieved to date – you will have acquired a wealth of experience and knowledge.

Showcase your skills

Perhaps your temp roles to date have seen you work across a number of different sectors – my HR temps join industries as diverse as charities and manufacturing; financial services and education. This wealth of experience and knowledge gives you a fantastic appeal in a number of markets. You aren’t pigeonholed into one area of expertise – you’ve shown that your HR knowledge is transferable across several different sectors. This is a great talking point in an interview. You’ll be able to demonstrate that you can apply your knowledge no matter the circumstance.


As a temp worker, you’ll know that the key to being successful is being able to hit the ground running in a new assignment. You’ll have had to pick up the knowledge of a new sector and a new team within days (or sometimes hours), depending on the length of your contract. This is an extremely lucrative skill to have – there will be no question marks about your ability to embed yourself in a team and make an impact within a short space of time.

If you are a temp HR candidate who is considering looking for permanent roles, I’d be delighted to help you make the move. Click here to drop me an email and we can discuss your career future.


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