Candidate Attraction in the Manufacturing & Engineering Market

Posted April 9 2019 By Stephanie Devine
 Within any market, it’s essential to attract and retain the top talent to your business. After all, your employees can make or break your business. The key to success is securing the right fit for your business, in terms of skills set and personality. As recruiters, we do all we can to ensure that the very best candidates – who will be productive and approach their job with a positive attitude – are presented to you for interview. But, increasingly within the Scottish Manufacturing and Engineering industry, there is a substantial lack of candidates. Not that the quality has, at all, decreased, but simply that the candidates are not there in the first place, making securing your next employee an even more competitive task. So what can you do, as an employer, to attract the very best talent to your business? Here are some helpful ideas: Research the market Not everyone is looking for a job – but they may consider a move if the right offer were to come along. So what are candidates looking for these days? Is it flexitime or a clear progression path or some further training? Do you offer any of this? You need to know what motivates potential candidates to consider a move before you make an offer. Think about culture What kind of culture does your business have? This isn’t always an easy question to answer, since different teams can operate in their own particular way. But, overall, would you say your business is fueled by chatty employees who knuckle down and go above and beyond? Or are things more quiet, with less focus on nights out and more attention on targets? Finding an employee who will fit in well with your company culture is essential. Get feedback No one is going to know more about your recruitment process than those who have been through it. Ask new hires and those who didn’t quite make the cut how they found your interview process and what your company has to offer. Honest feedback is the only way to make improvements within your hiring process and your employment packages. Know the competition If you are competing for talent against larger firms, all is not lost. Take a look at the employment packages on offer from your competitors – can you offer something similar or, more to the point, more appealing? Candidates aren’t necessarily going to be swayed by a big-name firm if their packages don’t offer a decent work-life balance and prospects for moving up within the company. Engage with people Social media is a huge marketing tool these days. Encourage employees and clients alike to leave reviews on your Facebook page and testimonials on your LinkedIn – nothing builds reassurance in a brand quite like hearing what other people have to say. And, if there are any major achievements or milestones in your business, shout about them! Tell your customers and potential employees all about your successes and celebrations. It’s a great way to attract talent. If you would like to discuss your recruitment needs with me, click here and I’d be delighted to help you source highly-skilled and committed employees.
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