Meet the Recruiter: Rose McLean

Posted July 28 2021 By Rose Mclean
 What made you want to join HRC Recruitment? I was interviewed by a recruitment agent for a different job but throughout the interview it became apparent that I was more interested in the recruiter's job than the one I was applying for! Following this I had a look around online for recruiter roles and HRC caught my eye. After having a look through the website, I found HRC recruitment shared a lot of the same values as me. I also watched a few of the current employees' videos sharing their experience of HRC which led to me applying for the graduate recruitment consultancy role. What career path did you follow before getting into recruitment? I worked as a bank staff carer on and off throughout university and although I enjoyed this job, I knew it wasn't going to be my future. Most of my experience prior to this was in the hospitality industry, working as a chef in Edinburgh which subsequently led to my degree in Hospitality & Tourism management. What was your dream job as a child?  I always wanted to be a dancer. When I was young, I used to put my mattress on the floor and use it as a stage to put on dance performances to the rest of my family, much to their delight. Rose McLean RecruiterWhat’s been your biggest success so far? I worked in Canada over the summer while still at uni at a camp for children and adults with additional needs. I would say this is one of my biggest personal successes so far, as even travelling so far from home was out of my comfort zone. On top of this it was an extremely rewarding job and I met loads of fantastic people. One of the campers even taught me to water ski (I managed to stand up for about 30 seconds, but it counts)! When we’re not in the middle of a pandemic, what do you like to do in your free time? I love being outdoors and walking which has been pretty much all we have been able to do recently so I've been doing a lot of it! I managed to get away camping a few times last year too (when covid rules allowed) and I am hoping to do a bit more this summer. Apart from this I love going to festivals and gigs so am looking forward to the next ones I can go to. What is most important to you (this can either be personally or professionally)? Both personally and professionally I think it is important to be happy and try to find joy in the things that you do even on difficult days. Describe yourself in three words. Caring, friendly, curious Now ask the last person you messaged to describe you in three words. Caring, adventurous, fun Tell us a fun fact about yourself. If my hands are tied behind my back, I can bring them right over my head and to my front without untying them. Just call me Houdini.   Favourite film? I have to go with The Notebook. Favourite singer / artist? Hard to pick a favourite, I like Kendrick Lamar. Favourite book? Thrillers. Possibly The Girl on The Train. Favourite colour? Green or blue. Rose McLean RecruiterSun or snow? Sun. Every time. Apple or android? Apple. TikTok or Instagram? Instagram. Tea or coffee? Always coffee never tea.
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