5 Key Issues Facing Care Homes Right Now

Posted July 9 2021 By Richard Houliotis
 Although we may be halfway through 2021 (where has this year gone?), there is still plenty of time for reflection and planning. The care home industry is slowly opening up – visits are now being allowed and the intensity of last year is no longer felt in the same way. Yes, there are still precautions and safeguards, but a sense of normality is slowly returning. This is important for residents and carers alike, with the total shut down of last year unsettling and exhausting for all. So, as care home owners and managers look to plan ahead for the rest of the year, what might they expect? Here are just some of the issues that I believe will impact the sector. Bigger care requirements During the pandemic, many care requirement were met by furloughed family members. But, with the furlough scheme set to come to an end in September, many people may find themselves in need of full-time, professional support from the care sector. Many industry experts predict a rise in applications to residential facilities or for in-home support services. Brexit Unfortunately, the care sector – like so many others – may face a talent shortage owing to the Brexit deal. If care talent cannot get the appropriate settlement status – or, indeed, decide to move to within the European Union – there could be a real shortage of talent at a time where demand on services is only likely to increase. Candidate short market In the aftermath of the peak of the Covid-19 crisis, many carers have left the sector as a result of physical or mental burn out. This – coupled with Brexit shortages – will lead to real talent gaps within the industry. As recruiters, we’re finding ways to engage with potential candidates differently in order to meet the needs of our clients. Talent from other sectors The flip side of the previous two points is the transition of talent from other sectors. With many hospitality and retail venues closing their doors permanently during the last year, many candidates from these sectors may well look to the care sector for work. With transferable skills such as customer service and already being familiar with shift work, it seems a natural transition to make in order to secure talent. More mental health support The front line workers of the pandemic – as we noted above and at our webinar – are burned out. Their experiences of restrictive PPE extended working hours and loss of residents has taken its toll. So, over the coming months and into next year, many industry experts predict a huge rise in access to mental health services and additional support in order to protect mental health and wellbeing. Whatever the future holds for the care sector, the need for friendly, qualified candidates who can deliver excellent standards of service is never going to go away. If you would like to speak to me about recruiting high calibre care talent in Edinburgh and the East Coast, click here to drop me an email and get in touch.
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